VFB Vray and render elements

Can you post your vray scene, or a stripped down version, that reproduces this? The patch in this thread seemed to fix a more general black RE issue.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,

We are now getting RE Elements out but we now have I new issue since we switched all the artist back to 3.1. The following is happening:

We’ll render out a AmOcc pass and Zdepth pass on a job. The files get created in their corresponding folders, but the problem that is happening is we are getting random frames that are the incorrect pass.

In the AmOcc pass folder the files will be name AmOcc but out of 100 frames 10 frames would be name it but actually be the ZDepth pass. The problem occurs randomly on different machines and at random times. There is no pattern. Can you please double check back to 2.7 because it was working properly then.


hey, we have the same problem running the on our nodes, MultiMat element through Vray are messing up and we have some strange things happen, like in the Monitor, it s saying the node 14 for example is trying to write 6 different frames at the same instant X, like 06.20.15s. Which is not possible I guess. All the frame which are involved at this time are just wrong at least for the half of them.
We have as well some MultiMat elements which are finally a Reflection pass, which was invoked of course, but wrote under the wrong name. So we have now 12 000 frames we can’t use.
Please can you fix that ASAP, we are running really bad here compare to this issue.



By any chance do you have the Concurrent Task setting set to something other than 1? That’s the only reason I can think of that a slave would be working on multiple frames at the same time. You can check the Concurrent Task setting for the job by right-clicking on it, selecting Modify Properties, and looking under the Advanced tab. If this is the case, it could be a problem with limited resources/memory on the machine that would prevent it from properly rendering multiple frames at the same time.

Things to try are:

  1. Render with Render Task Chunk Size (Frames Per Task) set to 1 (under Job tab)
  2. Enable Restart Renderer Between Frames (under Render tab)

If none of that helps, can you perhaps post a simple test scene that reproduces the problem, and explain what makes the frames “wrong”? Also, can you let us know the version of 3dsmax and Vray you are using, and if it’s 32 or 64 bit? If we can reproduce the problem here, that would be a good start.


  • Ryan

hey Ryan, thank you to reply,
I gonna resend the sequence tonight with the your advise and I ll gave you the result tomorrow morning.
We are using Max 2010 Sp1 with the last patch as well and Vray 1.5Sp4 all in the 64 bit version.



Hi guys, I have some problems with VRay VFB and Render Elements. I’m try to use Deadline 4.0sp1 with 3ds max 2010 sp1 and V-Ray 1.5sp4a.

When I enable Render Elements, deadline give me this:

Error Message
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Trapped SEH Exception in RenderFrame(): Access Violation
2010/04/26 18:40:54 INF: Loaded C:/Users/station/AppData/Local/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/test_01.max
2010/04/26 18:40:54 WRN: Gamma Correction Settings are Being Changed
2010/04/26 18:40:54 INF: Job: C:/Users/station/AppData/Local/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/test_01.max
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)

Slave Log
file: %filename | frame: %frame | primitives: %primitives | render time: %rendertime
0: INFO: +system_frameStamp_fullWidth set to true
0: INFO: +system_frameStamp_justify set to 0
0: INFO: +system_workInCameraSpace set to true
0: INFO: +system_instancedObjects set to 0
0: INFO: +system_checkForMissingFiles set to false
0: INFO: +system_optimizedAtmospherics set to false
0: INFO: +system_lowThreadPriority set to false
0: INFO: +system_vrayLog_show set to true
0: INFO: +system_vrayLog_level set to 3
0: INFO: +system_raycaster_memLimit set to 3000
0: INFO: +system_vrayLog_file set to c:\VRayLog.txt
0: INFO: +Image Sampler set to Adaptive QMC
0: INFO: +Primary Bounces GI Engine set to Irradiance Map
0: INFO: +Primary Secondary GI Engine set to Quasi-Monte Carlo
0: INFO: +Adv.Irradiance Map Interpolation Type set to Least squares fit (good/smooth)
0: INFO: +Adv.Irradiance Map Sample Lookup set to Density-based (best)
0: INFO: +Adv.Irradiance Map Mode set to Single Frame
0: INFO: +Region Sequence set to Triangulation
0: INFO: +Frame Stamp Justify set to Left
0: INFO: >Performing XREF workaround…
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 0
0: INFO: Render Tasks called
0: INFO: Lightning: Render frame 0
0: INFO: Lightning: Overring save file option to 0
---- April 26 2010 – 06:41 PM ----
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Trapped SEH Exception in RenderFrame(): Access Violation
2010/04/26 18:40:54 INF: Loaded C:/Users/station/AppData/Local/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/test_01.max

2010/04/26 18:40:54 WRN: Gamma Correction Settings are Being Changed

2010/04/26 18:40:54 INF: Job: C:/Users/station/AppData/Local/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/test_01.max


at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)

Error Type

Error Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

Without Render Elements, render works fine, but V-Ray VFB don’t save rendered images. I specify the output rendered images in VFB Split render channels option. When deadline start render it’s show the standart max frame buffer, not VRay VFB and don’t save channels (RGB, Alpha, Wire, Z and other).

Here is my test scene, which contains some teapots, omni lights and animated camera.

May be you guys can help me and deadline can work with Render Elements and VRay VFB.

Thanks :slight_smile:

When you submit the job to Deadline from 3dsmax, do you have the “Restart Renderer” option enabled under the Render tab? If not, try enabling it to see if it helps at all.

We’ll try to give your scene a test here soon.


  • Ryan

I think we found the problem. As a workaround, try specifying a raw vrimg file name in addition to the split channel file name. If that works, then we’ve identified the problem and can work on a fix.


  • Ryan

Yes, always.

Ok, I did some tests. Here the results. :slight_smile:

At home, I have other problem with this scene. This is the error log:

Error Message
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Error in bm->OpenOutput(): error code 1
2010/04/28 22:48:41 INF: Loaded C:/Users/censored/AppData/Local/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/test_01.max
2010/04/28 22:48:41 WRN: Gamma Correction Settings are Being Changed
2010/04/28 22:48:41 INF: Job: C:/Users/censored/AppData/Local/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/test_01.max
2010/04/28 22:48:51 ERR: Could not read/write file type: C:\TEMP\0000
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)

Slave Log
0: INFO: Preparing lights
0: INFO: Preparing lights
0: INFO: Preparing lights (Omni01)
0: INFO: Preparing lights (Omni02)
0: INFO: Preparing lights (Omni03)
0: INFO: Preparing lights (Omni04)
0: INFO: Preparing lights (Omni05)
0: INFO: Preparing lights (Omni05): done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Preparing atmospherics
0: INFO: Preparing render effects
0: INFO: Compiling scene geometry
0: INFO: Compiling geometry (Plane01)
0: INFO: Compiling geometry (Teapot01)
0: INFO: Compiling geometry (Teapot02)
0: INFO: Compiling geometry (Teapot03)
0: INFO: Compiling geometry (Teapot04)
0: INFO: Compiling geometry (Teapot05)
0: INFO: Compiling geometry (Teapot05): done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Preparing ray server…
0: INFO: Building static raycast accelerator…
0: INFO: Building static raycast accelerator…: done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Building motion blur raycast accelerator…
0: INFO: Preparing direct light manager…
0: INFO: Preparing global light manager…
0: INFO: Lightning: CallCurRendererRenderFrame returned code 1
0: INFO: Lightning: Render done
0: INFO: Lightning: Checking render elements
0: INFO: Lightning: writing output to temp file: C:\TEMP\0000
---- April 28 2010 – 10:49 PM ----
LICENSE-FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves or less - no license required.
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Error in bm->OpenOutput(): error code 1
2010/04/28 22:48:41 INF: Loaded C:/Users/censored/AppData/Local/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/test_02.max

2010/04/28 22:48:41 WRN: Gamma Correction Settings are Being Changed

2010/04/28 22:48:41 INF: Job: C:/Users/censored/AppData/Local/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/test_02.max

2010/04/28 22:48:51 ERR: Could not read/write file type: C:\TEMP\0000


at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)

Error Type

Error Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

Looks like without specifying output, deadline search some may be default files in system temp folders.

When I specifying a raw vrimg file name, deadline start render without any errors, but save only raw and ignore split render channels option anyway. Raw have all channels inside, it works well.
And at home I don’t have previous error, which I posted earlier. At work that error - Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Trapped SEH Exception in RenderFrame(): Access Violation - I resolve by turn off “vrayVFB” chekbox in RenderElements.

All works good when I specify final image output in default Render Output option, and turn off vrayVFB option (only at work). It save rendered image and all render elements.

Thanks for your answers.
And sorry for my english. I hope you understand me. :slight_smile: