Videotutorial: scripted deadline event plugins

For anyone who’s interested in writing event plugins, here’s a quick video I put together (as I got asked by a few people on Twitter how to do it). So, hope this helps anyone who’s new to this stuff. :slight_smile:

Very cool! Do you mind if we link to this tutorial from our website?

Absolutely not! Please, do share! :slight_smile:

Great tutorial! Very helpful :slight_smile: Thanks a lot!

Hey, no problem at all, glad to have helped. :slight_smile:

How can I do something with events like copy rendered pictures from slaves’ local folders to another location?

The scenario would be:
1.) submit maya render job (in this I want to render the images locally onto the slaves, NOT to some network drive)
2.) trigger an event for OnJobFinished() where I want to copy images from slaves to some other location.

ThanX in advanced!


I imagine this’d be pretty simple. You’d get a rendered image path from the Maya job and in the event plugin you’d take that path, search for whatever file format, sequence etc… you’d want and then copy all the files over to a pre-defined location.

You’ll need a System.IO.File.Copy() .NET method for copying the files and I think the SlaveUtils.GetCurrentJobValue( "OutputFileNames" ) , this way you have everything you need in order to perform a OnJobFinished() maintenance.

The problem is that my “rendered image path” is pointing to more slaves’ local drive. Eg.: every slave computer has its own local drive “s:/” and my render image path is pointing to “s:/rendered_img/”. After the job finished, I’d like to collect the images from these slaves and put them together to some other location.

Do You have any ideas for the solution?

Well, as I said, just use that path in the Event Plugin and collect all the images in that local path. Then copy them over using the System.IO.File.Copy() method, for example, to a network location or anywhere else.

Deadline-Maya rendering has support for “local rendering” which will render your images locally and then transfer them to a directory of your choice after rendering. Take a look at the “Enable Local Rendering” checkbox in the Deadline monitor “Submit Maya Job To Deadline”, “Advanced Options” tab. Use the “Output Folder” under “Maya Options” to define this final network location.

ThanX Mike! That is what I’ve needed! So I’ve nothing to do with events, only write PostRenderTasks() for my plugin. (Maya was just an example, I’m dealing with some custom plugin).