View Output strips extention

If I render an animation in maya2008 that is formatted name.#.ext, Deadline renders everything fine, but when I try to View the output it can’t be found because the extension gets stripped off. If I change the format to name.ext.#, the extension is still stripped off in the viewer to show name…#

Is there a way to have the view output script to not strip the extension?

Hi Rob,

I’m not having any luck reproducing this one either. I set the format to

name.#.ext and tested with padding sizes of 1 and 4 and they all worked.

My best guess at this point is that you need to install the plug-in

patch I mentioned in the last thread. If that doesn’t seem to help, I’ve

attached the actual submission script file in my test repository. Simply

copy it to \your\repository\submission\Maya after making a backup copy

of your script (just in case). If this STILL doesn’t help, then

something fishy is going on…


Yep, whatever happened when I applied the patch earlier, just copying over everything again fixed all my problems.


Cool, glad to hear it!
