We use Krakatoa 1.5.1 and we need to render a z-depth pass of fluid from fumefx!
first I save particle with the 6 channels by default.
I use PRT loader to load the particle
i check your website: software.primefocusworld.com/sof … maflow.php
to make the same KCM z-depth.
but it’s not working?
What exactly is not working?
Keep in mind that if you have more than one particle per voxel, the voxel will draw an average of the particle colors, but otherwise I would expect it to work just the same. If you can explain what does not work, I might be able to help…
EDIT: I tested here (but with the latest build) and both particle and voxel rendering produced comparable results.
I will launch 1.5.1 and try it out there, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
hey I’m interested in this topic, I’m testing krakatoa attempting the same thing.
I need to render some custom z passes for which I would like to use the flexibility of magmaflow.
Are there some guidelines towards rendering z passes for voxel renders ? I succeed to build the magmaflow that calculates the right depth information for the particles as described in the tutorial which also seems to work with particle rendering. However when I render in voxel mode it looks like I need to play with density and emision settings differently from the ‘main’ render trying to match it. (I suppose I shouldn’t be generating my z with particles to support a voxel render?) What should I do with my final pass density and Emission strength - should they be the same as the main pass or rather fixed like in the tutorial(using 1.0/0 for both density and emission strenght gives artifacts)? Or are there other things to consider? I’m testing 1.6.0 fed by a fumefx 2.0 sim(via the FUMEFX PRT object). Preferably it’d be exported as a renderElement at the same time with the main pass.
Furthermore what if I would like to render the main pass out of fume and the z out of krakatoa, is it possible to match these up? Anybody tried it before ?
any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!