Hi Ryan, please note that in vray for maya the -ard for the render.exe command controls the Pixel Aspect Ratio, instead of the device aspect ratio, tso this line should be remove from the mayaCmd.py
Thanks for the info! We’ll remove the -ard option from the vray command line, and we’ll also fix the submission script so that it doesn’t pass along that option when rendering with vray.
We’ll also update the mayabatch plugin with the tile rendering fix. If you happen to figure out why pixels are missing, let us know!
I have done a few blind modification to the tiling submission of a vray job. I didn’t try to figure out the maths, instead I simply added 1 here and there and it seems to work.
in the SetupRegionRenderingJob() function I did the following changes:
changed this:
if( $renderer == “vray” )
$height = $height - 1; // vray is very picky about the height. Not width for some reason.
To this
if( $renderer == “vray” )
$height = $height - 0; // vray is very picky about the height. Not width for some reason.
Removing the lines would also work
And changes this
if( $renderer == “mentalRay” )
if( $renderer == “vray” )
$tempBottom = $tempBottom+2;
Like I said I don’t really understand mathematically why it works, but it seems to be ok. I still have to do more test rendering differents tiling values, but i’ll keep you posted
By the way there is a limitation in the mayaCmd with vray… it is not possible to render a render layer with vray, simply because the render.exe -r vray doesn’t accept the -rl flag.
I had to force the use of the mayaBatch plugin in my submitter when I detect that vray is used in a render layer… and of course add a function that scan all the render layers to get what rendered they use. I think Vlado will add that flag for the final release but as we speak it is not yet available