With regard to cancelling the render, the submitter should dynamically be re-writing the V-Ray config based on the queue, so I assume cancelling the task will change the V-Ray config, and it’ll stop the particular V-Ray Spawner from running. Someone mentioned though that cancelling a task won’t kill the V-Ray Spawner, would you be willing to check on that particular machine?
For forcing completion, how would you get that to work if you were doing it outside of Deadline? Mike knows the system best, and he’s out this week, so I have to get a bit of a handle on the “right” way to do it and see if it’s something we can implement.
The DR session timeout is for the standalone DR plugin (VRaySpawner) where as the offload is driven by the 3dsmax plugin. That timeout would have to be re-implemented for the 3dsmax plugin. Now, the offload is a bit of a different beast in that people can’t reserve or re-use a bunch of nodes for that kind of job. Would the timeout just be for those stuck buckets?
I’ll log the offload option preset add to the dev system.
As for the task resubmission, the whitelist did seem to copy over from my test in 9… Can you test that one again to be sure?