VRay reloading IrradianceMap every Frame

Hi all!

Using Deadline 3.1, and scripting a new Render Send Utility for vray, I face some problems about slaves reloading the saved irradiance map every frame.This is very time consuming and its raising the render times a lot.
In backburner, it only loads the first frame and reuses it in the next frames rendered of the same job. I suppose there is a flag I’m missing in SMTDSettings to avoid this, but I cant find it. I searched the forum before, and I could not fin anything related to this…
Any solution?

Thanks in advance…

This could be due to a couple of settings in SMTDSettings:


If either of these are True, that might explain the problem.


  • Ryan

Problem solved with that settings on false. It works like a charm now.
Thanks A LOT.