Hi Ryan, I would like to be able to submit vue scene to Deadline without submiting the scene to the server.
Like in the maya plugin, I would like to be able to choose if I want to submit the scene file or simply read the scene file from the server.
Do you think this is possible with the vue plugin?
Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision
Hi Sylvain,
I would imagine this would be possible. I’ve logged it as a bug, and
we’ll visit this when we write the Vue plugin for Deadline 3.0.
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
By the way it might be good to modify the plugin to be able to render animations in task.
since vue can only render the full animation on 1 machine (which is not really usefull in my opinion) or render only one single frame of the animation, I modified the plugin to create tasks of single frame and change the renderArgument to call the renderbull -file -frame
This way each machine can take 1 frame of the animation.
It is not possible to render bunch of frame in a task, but it is better then rendering the whole aniimation on only one machine.
I could send you my plugin modif if you like
Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha
That would be great if you sent us your plugin modifications. It would
make our job easier, hehe…
- Ryan