just wanted to ask before diving in, is it possible to tell Deadline to execute a more complex script (IPy script) on the Wake On Lan input?
I want to wake up virtual machines that only wake up through the hypervisor manager that has a more complex .NET API that can do that, but it certainly doesn’t listen for the magic packet on any ports.
under power management, you can configure “run command” to be executed. That command can be a script for example.
As Pulse executes the script, ensure the Pulse server has the correct scripting language installed.
Not sure how hypervisor will work out for you…
So, basically, the command can be a whole script, or a cmd executable + script file as an argument?
Also, what exactly does Pulse do when it runs the command? Does it somehow specify which machines it needs? Or is it pretty much a case of first came first served?
Deadline Manual - Power Management. Check out the “Run Command” feature. You can use one of the {tokens} to execute the command on a particular machine.
Also, check out this previous forum thread as a working example: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6059&p=28525#p28525
Machine Startup Settings:
Machine Startup Mode: Select Disabled, Enabled, or Debug mode. In Debug mode, all the checks are performed as normal, but no action is actually taken.
Number Of Slaves To Wake Up Per Interval: The maximum number of machines to start in the given power management check interval. The interval can be configured in the Pulse section of the repository options.
Use Wake On Lan: Use Wake On Lan to start the machines.
Run Command: This is primarily for IPMI support. If enabled, Pulse will run a given command to start slave machines. This command will be run once for each slave that is being woken up. A few tags can be used within the command:
{SLAVE_NAME}: Is replaced with the current slave’s hostname.
{SLAVE_MAC}: Is replaced with the current slave’s MAC address.
{SLAVE_IP}: Is replaced with the current slave’s IP address.
Override Startup Order: Whether or not to define the order in which slaves are started up. If disabled, slaves are started up in alphabetical order. If enabled, use the Set Startup Order dialog to define the order.