Wake On Lan

I just installed the new version 2.7 last week, and since then the Wake-On-Lan feature doesn’t work anymore. The Monitor freezes up for a signficant amount of time - about 3 minutes - and the selected slave machines do not start.

Does anyone have the same problem?



I can't get WOL to work on 2.7 either. It worked fine in 2.6

Hey guys,

I’m not having any luck reproducing this problem. All my tests have

confirmed that the remote machine received the Wake Up message.

The next time you test this out, wait until the Monitor becomes

“unfrozen”, then go to c:\deadline\logs on the machine you’re running

the monitor on and send us the most recent monitor log. Hopefully this

will contain some information that would explain the problem.


Quick questions:

  1. Does the “WakeOnLAN broadcast sent” confirmation message appear after the 3 minutes have passed?

  2. How many machines are you trying to wake up at once? Does it still take 3 minutes if you are only trying to wake up a single machine?

  • Ryan

My monitor doesn't freeze. I get the confirmation. But the machines never wake.



The tool I use to confirm whether or not the remote machine is actually

receiving the wake up message can be downloaded from here:


All my tests show that the remote machine is receiving the wake up

message, so it would seem like everything is working properly on

Deadline’s end of things. Try using the tool to confirm whether or not

your slave machines are actually receiving the wake up message.


the requester does show up, but the machines never wake.

I tested with the program you mentioned, and that worked fine, as did deadline 2.6.

Here’s the content of my log file:


2007-06-06 08-47-03: BEGIN - OFFICE-WIM\Administrator

2007-06-06 08-47-03: Start-up

2007-06-06 08-47-03: Deadline Monitor 2.7 [v2.7.27948 R]

2007-06-06 08-47-03: 2007-06-06 08:47:03

2007-06-06 08-47-06: DeadlineMonitor.MainWindow.RepopulateUserNames {

2007-06-06 08-47-06: }

2007-06-06 08-47-11: DeadlineMonitor.MainWindow.RepopulateUserNames {

2007-06-06 08-47-11: }

2007-06-06 08-47-11: DeadlineMonitor.DeadlineMonitorApp.Main {

2007-06-06 08-51-25: DeadlineMonitor.MainWindow.RepopulateUserNames {

2007-06-06 08-51-25: }

2007-06-06 08-51-26: MessageBox: WakeOnLAN broadcast sent.

If a machine did not start up, please ensure the following:

  • the machine is not on a different sub-net
  • WakeOnLAN has been enabled in the machine’s BIOS
  • the wire is hooked up from the machine to its network card (WakeOnLAN broadcast sent) OK None

    2007-06-06 08-51-27: --> Result: OK


The monitor freezing up is caused by the number of machines selected to simultaneously wake, so if I select 1 slave it takes about 12 seconds, 3 slaves gives me 38s of lock-up, 10 equals 136s… feels like some sort of a time-out to me.

I tested the packet receive on a running machine using the WOL_Magic_Packet_v15 and it does receive a packet from deadline. Also there’s no monitor freeze when sending a WOL packet to a running machine, the monitor instantly reports a succesful sending of the packet. Still no luck with using the monitor to start up slaves which are powered down though.

We think we figured out the problem. We’re going to try and get a new

build over the next couple of days that you’ll be able to test out.


Ok, thanks dudes…

Hey guys,

We haven’t forgot about this, we’re just trying to work out some last

minute issues that came up. We’ll hopefully have a patch out that fixes

this bug soon.
