Watch Jobs Name Script


I am interested in possibility of making watch script for deadline. I need to dynamicly change “Task Group Size” parameter of the job depend on job’s name. So, for example: the new job has been appeared. If It’s name contains word “avi” the job’s “Task Group size” parameter must be automaticly changed to custom predefined number. I think that i could change this parameter in .job file in repository directory of the job. But how can i write and add this script to deadline? Is it possible to write custom scripts for deadline program?


Hi there,

Is this something you could handle at submission time by modifying your submission script(s)? That’s probably more foolproof than doing it after the job has already been submitted. The submission script would just check the job name before writing the “ChunkSize” value to the job info file. If it contains “avi” in the name, it would hard code the value to be something like 1000000. If it doesn’t contain “avi”, it would use whatever value the user specified.


  • Ryan

Well, there’s a problem with that solutaion because actially the situation is like that: i send a job from after effects with a few comps as separate jobs and to be rendered with dependecies. I definitly need dependecies, but the last comp must have different “Task Group Size”. I submit all that comps one time, so “Task Group Size” parameter for all those comps is the same. I want automatically change this parameter in last comp (it’s name contain “avi” or whatever i choose). That’s why i asked about scripting in Deadline. Or may be you can advice something else in this situation? Thank you!

Oh, i just understand, that your solution will work! If i don’t mess up with submition script :о) Gonna try it right now, thank you! Sorry for stupidity :smiley: