Weirdddd "vector3f" error

Hi guys, long time no post!
I’m having this weird problem when network rendering and I have no clue of what it can be… it gives me this error:

ERR vector3f::get_cube_face_coordinate: Provided invalid cube face value 2348545 ; Render failed

Thanks in advance and cheers.

One of your omni lights must be doing something funky. Try moving them a little bit or switching to a spotlight and see how that helps your scene. I’ve never run into anything that on my own, if you could mail a scene that causes that to that would help me track this bug down.

Hi Darcy, thanks for your reply, I was in fact using an omni and already changed it to a spot and I’m currently rendering to see if the error goes away. As for the scene, well in fact I just dropped the omni there, default settings, no shadows, nothing special. I had this problem before in the same scene when I was using an UDeflector with a complex object but I’ve changed my Pflow and now I’m using normal deflectors and the problem went away, but yesterday I was assembling the final scene that has two large objects mirrored only with some minor animation changes and the one on the left was giving this problem on frame 70 but the one on the right rendered just fine (first time I tried to render the two at the same time, that was when the error popped up again). Cheers and I’ll post as soon as I know some results.