why do we have to reinstall Deadline after Maya upgrade

we upgraded to Maya 2017 and now we have to reinstall Deadline 8 to get it running with the new Maya version…


Because we don’t know of a system-wide place to put DeadlineMayaClient.mel.
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … stallation

We’re open to suggestions though! Is there a safe place we can put it?

thanks… but installing the submitter is not the problelm…
all slaves on the farm does not work anymore…

maybe this will help.
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … rting.html

That sounds like a serious problem. Can you call my number (see signature)? I can likely figure this one out faster over the phone or Skype.

If that won’t work, I’ll need Slave logs and job reports, and probably a detailed description of how things aren’t working anymore. Here are the details on how to find them:

docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … /logs.html