Windows 7//Deadline Monitor needs hours to launch

Hey there,

it’s me again. I’m currently upgrading every workstation to Windows 7 Professional 64bit and recognized remarkable speed issues. On most machines the Deadline Monitor needs at least half an hour to connect to the repository and after that another half an hour to load the repository. The network is set to Work network and isn’t utilized during the process of launching deadline. The repository is installed on a server with Windows Server 2003 64bit and it worked well with XP Prof 64bit before. Now, I don’t know if this issue is experienced by other Deadline users or if it’s reason lies in our network setup. Maybe, you have any suggestions. Additionally, it seems to work on some machines without any problem, but they’re all set up equally. I don’t know how that is possible. Also, when I try to connect to our server running Pulse and Repository via explorer it takes a long time for Windows to load the folder structure wherefrom I assume it’s more a Windows 7 issue, the other servers’ folders load almost instantly. Oh, hope you might help me again with experience on Windows 7 + Deadline :unamused:

Long story short: Deadline on Windows 7 on most machines is far too slow :neutral_face:

P.S.: In addition, I noticed that after I restart the Workstation the Deadline Launcher Symbol is instantly to be seen in the taskbar, but when I click on it the menu appears 5 Minutes later (no, I’m not exaggerating :/). Again, only on Windows 7.

Deadline 4.1 SP1
Windows 7 Prof 64bit (Workstations)
Windows Server 2003 64bit (Server + Repository + Pulse)
Gigabit LAN to every computer

There definitely seems to be a network issue on some of your Windows 7 machines. The fact that it works on some and not others definitely points to some sort of machine/network configuration issue.

That basically reaffirms that it is a network issue. The repository is just a collection of files and folders, so browsing it would be like browsing any other network folder structure. We have many Windows 7 users, and we have tested on Windows 7 here ourselves, and we haven’t seen or heard of this behavior before. If you can figure out why browsing the repository folders with Explorer is slow, that should help you find the root of your problem.

Googling “windows 7 slow network browsing” turned up a bunch of hits, so hopefully one of them can lead you on the right track. Here’s one, for example:


  • Ryan

Hey Ryan,

thanks for your support. I’m going through the steps contained in your link right away.

Best Regards

Wow, it looks good for now. Unfortunately, I can’t tell exactly where the problem lied. I followed the instructions and after telling the network adapter, that it’s a gigabit connection the explorer hung up and restarted. Since that happened, the Launcher can be accessed right after the machine startup and the Monitor instantly connects to the server. Hope this lasts :slight_smile:
Thanks again for your supreme support!!!

Best regards