Windows Server 2022 + Custom AMI | Deadline can't start Spot Fleet using g5.4xlarge while EC2 console can


TLDR: The root issue is that Deadline does not allow to use g5.4xlarge in Spot Fleet for some reason while it is possible to start the g5.4xlarge spot instance via EC2 console. Could you advise me on next steps?

Our case is the following: we want to set up a render farm on EC2 with Unreal 5 used as a main renderer thus we need g5.4xlarge + Windows Server 2022. We really want to use Deadline to orchestrate rendering requests and AWS hardware management as rolling out a custom solution is a big no-no for us.

Kind regards,

Full error:

one or more of the instance types you chosen are not available for the operating system of the AMI you’ve selected

Finally, when I try to launch Spot Instance of g5.4xlarge type on via EC2 console the request succeeds. However, Deadline AWS Portal Link just doesn’t allow me to do the same though it should be possible 100%!

Please see attached images

Another example why I am sure it should work by default

Now, the weird error.

Changing persistence from maintain to request does not help…


Did you see if that instance type was avail. in other regions? It looks like you only selected us-east-1a in the Deadline UI. Did you try selecting 1d or 1e, etc.? Generally, if I see the cost as $0, I usually take that to mean that there are no instance types (of that OS) avail. for a spot instance.

What region are you in when using the aws console – also us-east-1 ? That may be why you see a discrepancy.

Otherwise, this may be one of those times where you should open a ticket with Thinkbox DL…

Hey jarak,

Thanks for your response. So I tried to check/enable all us-east-1 regions before in Deadline UI but it does not help.

if I see the cost as $0, I usually take that to mean that there are no instance types (of that OS) avail. for a spot instance.

Well, yeah, it does not make sense as EC2 console clearly shows spot instances are present…

What region are you in when using the aws console – also us-east-1 ? That may be why you see a discrepancy.

I’ve picked us-east-1 (N. Virginia) there as well.

How do I open a ticket wit Thinkbox DL? Thanks for help

Another thing that puzzles me is Maximum price (USD) field missing in Deadline 10.2 spot fleet configuration dialog. Should it be like that?

I think you can fill in a ticket/request here:

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