How is your repository connected? e.g single Gigabit? a trunk? what is the drive? how big are the files you submit? how many people submit? what OS are you using?
I’ll give you a real-world scenario that i encountered:
Imagine you are submitting jobs TO the repository, thus the repo is acting as a file server.
Let’s assume that your max file [or whatever] is 2 gig…which is fairly commonplace for large film/video productions -
Now let’s assume that you have 50 slaves.
For argument’s sake, lets ensure we have only one person submitting, now the repository is copying 50 * 2 gigbyte to the slaves…
…and your repository is connected to your network over a single gigabit connection.
Gigabit Maxes out 125MB/s * 0.8 = 100MB/s (my functional ceiling for ethernet and not realistic).
as above, a single 2GB MAX file = 2048MB
with 50 nodes/slaves
= 100GB for bandwidth needs.
1001024/125 = 819.2 seconds = 13.6533 minutes
1001024/100 = 1024 seconds = 17.0666 minutes
assuming you can sustain 80-100% of your theoretical bandwidth [very unlikely] you are hosing your single gig port on the deadline repository for roughly 15 minutes with one job submission. which means connectivity would tank for anything else. thats in a perfect world, often performance is far worse!
NOW - perhaps your data files are only a few hundred megs, or even just a few megs. perhaps your slaves are just 20 - even still, the deadline repository machine generally is overlooked as a bottleneck to production, because people like to submit jobs to it. i understand why: it’s an easy way to get version control and is somewhat unique to the deadline workflow. the number of times asses have been saved by having a renderable asset on the repository is crazy!
anyway - this feature is commonly misused, abused or just plain misunderstood - and we have started to move people away from using this by default. For example, in deadline 5.1 you can point slaves to your existing file on the server, or you can submit to the repository, OR: you can submit to a 3rd location where you can share the data across the network. see the attached images for a visual description:
In closing: In terms of performance of a networ, there are a lot of ways to improve performance of deadline, of interactivity and so forth, but i want to be sure we hit the right nail on the head…so if you could respond with your datapoints [network nfrastructure, data size, users, slaves etc] that would help. Essentially if you let me know what your infrastructure and dataset is, i’ll be happy to talk to you about improvements that can be made if necessary!
I’m not going to assume we dont have bugs, and i know we have things we want to improve - and your case might not even be applicable to our example if you are speaking about scene data files that are pointers or simple <1mb scripts [a la fusion or nuke]…in which case i’m really interested in hearing about your case!
But for the record, I’ve seen movies with 2-3 gigabyte data files being submitted by a 50 artists and rendering on 500 + machines and deadline never crashed, burned, failed or went kaput. i’ve seen plenty of server and infrastructure slowdowns though! generating 50+ terabytes of data in a few days can bring a lot of things to their knees but frankly, with all of the problems these crazy movies bring, and once you get past the voodoo, in every single case i’ve seen on these movies - Deadline wasn’t the problem. it was the tool that revealed problems!