Hi, just wanted to throw out some ideas i would love to see in the distant future
Krakatoa is such a great particle saving/loading/rendering system, it does not have to be limited to its own renderer. There are many proxy plugins, VrayScatter, iToo Forest, etc. but none which work with particles.
Why dont you allow the krakatoa particles to be shapes and shape instances to be rendered with VRay, Scanline etc… I could then render millions of particle geometry much quicker, then any other way. Also, it would allow me to modify-deform the particles which no other system allows. I could also use the magma flow to shade the particle geometry. This system could be a powerful particle “proxy” plugin which would not be limited to rendering points but real geometry. I think it would be a very powerful addition, and would only make krakatoa even more useful and attract an even wider audience.
My second wish would be the manipulation of the visual output. Right now we are limited to single points and the color/lighting which they are assigned. The “Large Dots” in the viewport is already a way to displaythe particles bigger, but we cant render it out like that. Why not give users the option of deciding themselves what look they want? Let us decide how large the points should be. Krakatoa could become increasingly popular for motion graphic artists. Not just for realistic fx- particle clouds of fire smoke dust, but for abstract visual graphics. I would like the options of controlling how each particle is rendered out, by using the option of changing size and shape. The difference here to the first wish is, that krakatoa would render it. Expanding the 1dimensional point to 2dimensional “sprites”- just would expand the option of the look and allow for very quick motion graphic renders, where geometry is not needed. It would change the way we look at krakatoa and stop reducing this powerfulsystem to just points.
I dont think i would be exaggerating when I say that you would double the amount of customers you currently have for the software by adding these options.