Working out a simulation with Deadline and Houdini

Hi everyone !

I got a pretty big render project to cover and i need to be able to simulate my houdini fluid via deadline.

i would like to know if there is some python writer who could guide me trough the coding of my script.

Thanks in advance !


Frédérik-André Savard

So far what i got is this: … /hq_render

It appear that distribute render with Houdini is quite simple. But my main problem is that i cant control priorities trought the day to properly share my mghz.

Is it possible to take the file containing the code, and modify it for instead of going to the server hqueue, it report to deadline. They basicly does the same thing.

Thanks in advance !

Cheers :wink:

This thread might help:


  • Ryan

Thanks ryan,

I already read this thread but i was looking for a more integrated way to do this. So that houdini simulation could use the whole management progress of deadline.

I guess that i will be needed to manage this manually. We are still looking for a possibility to write some code to find a way.

Because everything is in python, the whole thing should be able to “compabilise” ?.

thanks again :slight_smile: !

You would still get the management aspects of Deadline with this setup. You could queue up multiple command script jobs, and Deadline would go through them one by one and work with your dedicated sim machines to push them through.

As mentioned in the other thread, DR-like jobs are not fully supported by Deadline. People have written solutions that work for their pipeline (ie: having right-click slave scripts for the Monitor that shutdown the deadline slave and launch their DR process), but I don’t think anyone has a fully automated way that deeply in integrates these types of jobs with Deadline.


  • Ryan

Cool thanks :slight_smile: I`ll get a programmer to help me do a nice integration.