Hey whats the ETA on making Xmesh work with P-Flow?
You can bake a PFlow with XMesh Saver by creating an intermediate Mesher Compound object and saving that.
I am not even sure why the XMesh Saver does not work with the PFlow - I could swear it used to, but I might be wrong.
Obviously we would have to also apply the same code as in TP for getting velocities from the particles onto the vertices… Saving PFlow+Mesher with Velocity is relatively slow right now.
Using a Mesher Compound, as Bobo suggested, is the easiest way to handle this for now.
I think this should be fixed in the next build. Please let us know if this is urgent for you.
That solution doesn’t work. All of our renders have had crazy motion blur pops when we try and use the mesher. Its pretty much holding us back from integrating the software company wide. a lot of our FX still use p-flow
This has been bumped up to highest priority, stay tuned.
This should be fixed in the XMesh Saver 0.1.1 build.