XSI 2010 Submiter error

I have this error when i submit a job
XSI say
traceback(most recent call last):.File"<Script block",line 88,in main. import.XSItoDeadline.py.imoprtError:No module named XSIToDeadline.py. -[line 87 in C:\softimage_2010\Application\Plugins\SubmitXSiToDeadline.py]

now the script editor in XSI say

ERROR : Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 88, in Main

import XSIToDeadline.py

ImportError: No module named XSIToDeadline.py

- [line 87 in C:\Softimage\Softimage_2010\Application\Plugins\SubmitXSIToDeadline.py]

XSI Script Debugger say
import os.path
import os
import sys

from win32com.client import constants


Ryan Russell (Frantic Films), 2005

This proxy script submits a Softimage|XSI scene to Deadline to be rendered.




def XSILoadPlugin(in_reg):

#Set up some basic information for the whole plug-in
in_reg.Name = "Submit XSI To Deadline Python Style"
in_reg.Author = "Ryan Russell (Frantic Films), Stephen Verstraete (Frantic Films)"
in_reg.Email = "deadline-support@franticfilms.com"
in_reg.URL = "http://software.franticfilms.com"
in_reg.Major = 1
in_reg.Minor = 0

# Register the SubmitToDeadline command
in_reg.RegisterCommand("SubmitToDeadline_PY", "SubmitToDeadline")

# Register a Menu as another plug-in item to appear in the render menu
in_reg.RegisterMenu(constants.siMenuTbRenderRenderID , "STDPYMenu", False, False)

#set up the custom path
root = GetRepositoryRoot()

Platform = Application.Platform
if(Platform == "Win32" or Platform == "Win64"):

if repositoryScripts not in sys.path :
	sys.path.append( repositoryScripts)	

# Finish with success notification
return True

def SubmitToDeadline_PY_Init(in_context):
oCmd = in_context.Source
oCmd.ReturnValue = False
return True

def SubmitToDeadline_PY_Execute(in_context):

def STDPYMenu_Init(in_context):
oMnu = in_context.Source
menuitem = oMnu.AddCallbackItem( “Submit XSI to Deadline”, “Main” )
return True




Get The Repository Root using DeadlineCommand

def GetRepositoryRoot():
root = os.popen(“deadlinecommand -root”)
return root

Get The Script Filename

def GetScriptFilename():
root = GetRepositoryRoot()

if(Application.Platform == "Win32" or Application.Platform == "Win64"):
	theScript = root + "\\submission\\XSI\\XSIToDeadline.py"
	theScript = root + "/submission/XSI/XSIToDeadline.py"
return theScript




def Main(in_context): ##THIS IS THE LINE 87 when xsi say is something wrong or missing
import XSIToDeadline

I dont know why is that error,some of python functions error perhaps?The file SubmitXSIToDeadline.py is in plugins directory
Please explain because this wierd,if i submit from monitor works fine but in XSI i have this error
I installed and removed XSI several times,and i dont know what to do wright now

Thank U for support

I figured out.
Must install client on the machine when i work

Ehrm, what exactly was the solution??

I’m having the exact same problem. I have the submitxsitodeadline.py copied to the application/plugins folder.

I think the solution for the original poster was to install the Deadline Client software on the machine they were trying to submit the job from. If it is already installed on your machine, double check if the Deadline bin folder is in the PATH environment variable. If it is not, that would explain the problem you’re having.

You could edit the PATH environment variable manually, or you could do the following:

  1. Open a DOS prompt.
  2. Change directories to the Deadline Client installation bin folder. For example:
cd "c:\Program Files\Frantic Films\Deadline\bin"
  1. Run this command:
deadlinecommand.exe -UpdatePathVariable

Once Deadline is in the PATH, restart XSI and let us know if you continue to have this problem.


  • Ryan


That was the problem and now it’s solved. Thanks Ryan!