Hi all,
when we submit a big scene with a lot of passes, it takes forever to complete the submit sequence.
.scn size = 390Mb
8 passes. after waiting 20 minutes, not one jobs appears in the monitor. When we try to refresh the monitor, it freezes (on any computer, not only the sumbiting one).
When submiting passes one at a time, it’s much faster. But it takes a lot of time and manipulation to submit all desired passes.
Is this normal behavior?
Also, I don’t know why, but on some machine, everytime we click submit to Deadline, XSI resave the scene, even if we just opened it. So big scene take a lot of time to save, so more wasted time waiting for render to be done.
Ok… If I remove the check in the “Submit XSI Scene File: The XSI file selected will be submitted with the job” checkbox, it’s much much faster!
Now, if I understand, the advantage of this option is that the user can continue to work and override is work with the same scene name… Is there any other significant advantage of using this? Or maybe I don’t understand…
Hi Vincent,
Yes, the original idea behind not checking the “Submit Scene” box was so that you could tweak your scene file without having to resubmit the job to Deadline. It also has the benefit of speeding up submission for large scenes, as you’ve discovered.
Thanks Ryan,
Is there a way to force this setting to be defaulted to “not selected” ??
Go to \your\repository\submission\XSI and open the XSIToDeadline.vbs file in a text editor. Find this line:
opSet.AddParameter3 “SubmitXsiSceneCheckBox”, siBool, True, False
Change it to this:
opSet.AddParameter3 “SubmitXsiSceneCheckBox”, siBool, False, False
That should do it.
Thanks… it’s much better now.