xsi6 to 7 xbatch problem

Hello please help me

I have a problem, running xsi 6 and 7 with the same deadline . I´m using deadline 2.7x with add of the xsibatch 7 from ryan. (unforunately not 3.x yet) . Everytime, when I start an xsi7 jobs some groups stop rendering and block the renderfarm (nodes).
I think it´s because of deadline don´t know which xsibatch to chhoose. I think it trys to open/render the xsi7 scene with the xsi 6 batch.exe which causes a crash.

What can I do now? deinstalling the xsi 6 version and running only one version or are there any work arrounds?

Unfortunately I have to run both xsi versions because some projects still need it.

This is a known problem with XSI 7 - here is the response I got back from Softimage regarding this:

In Deadline 3.0 SP1, we added the option to specify the number of threads, but it’s possible this might not even help. Unfortunately, there isn’t much else we can do on our end.

Just a note that if Deadline was using XSI 6 instead of XSI 7, you should be able to tell by looking at the render log. Deadline prints out the render executable it is using before starting the render.


  • Ryan