AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

0.52 R - SMTD


Download and installed RC6 this morning.
Now i can’t submit 3dsmax jobs, looks like there is a problem with submiter.
Here’s the error when i submit :

And, little regression with the states scene, now a popup is asking at every new 3dsmax instance, witch is very annoying (even with “do not show…”)


For the first error, can you post the full error stack trace out of the maxscript listener window when this error occurs?

What’s weird is that the error is on commentary lines

If you restart 3dsMax & SMTD and before submitting un-check the VRay VFB “V-Ray raw image file” checkbox in the 3dsMax render scene dialog (V-Ray tab), does it submit OK?

In a maxscript listener window prior to submitting, can you post the result of this command?

getProperty renderers.current #output_rawFileName

For the life of me, I’ve been unable to make this property equal to “undefined” but only “”. I’m interested to understand how this state has come about?!
The error stack should be read from top to bottom, so the error occurs at the top of the stack on line: #5522 :slight_smile:

  • VRay VFB “V-Ray raw image file” is always uncheck for me., i tryed to check & uncheck it, but no changes.

  • getProperty renderers.current #output_rawFileName
    Return undefined

Vray has made an update recently ( 3.10.01 ) but i don’t think it comes from it because i can’t submit job from 3.08 or 3.10.
I’m a bit stuck at the moment because i can’t submit jobs.

Do automatic upgrade work reversly ? i want to go back to RC5 to render jobs

Please find attached a couple of maxscript patch files which should resolve both your reported issues from today.

Please unzip and overwrite the 2 x identical named files in your repo under:

Please restart any copies of 3dsMax, open up SMTD again and hopefully everything should be fixed for you? Please do let us know ASAP!

Thanks for your patience!,
Mike (150 KB)

Nop, but error line changed.

Could you provide the full error stack trace from the listener window again?

We are making progress, just something else the issue now.


[code]-- Error occurred in p loop; filename: C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\; position: 263260; line: 5524
– Frame:
– p: #output_rawFileName
– tempFile: undefined
– rawFile: undefined
– called in CreateJobInfoFile(); filename: C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\; position: 263561; line: 5529
– Frame:
– tempLeft: undefined
– tempBottom: undefined
– mode_list: undefined
– sampling_list: undefined
– forceCamera: “”
– is_exr: undefined
– splitPath: undefined
– thefile: undefined
– splitChannelCount: undefined
– splitChannelNames: undefined
– useMaxRegion: undefined
– vrayVer: undefined
– theIndex: undefined
– bakeString: undefined
– rend_type: undefined
– regionMode: #none
– splitName: undefined
– brazilRenderer: undefined
– Block: undefined
– lens_list: undefined
– vrayVersionCheck: undefined
– outputFilenameIndex: 0
– propList: undefined
– theScriptFile: undefined
– theArray: undefined
– storage_list: undefined
– bucket_list: undefined
– blockNames: undefined
– Amaretto: undefined
– skylight_list: undefined
– tempRight: undefined
– theVal1: undefined
– FranticParticles: undefined
– filter_list: undefined
– size_list: undefined
– maxVersionToUse: “2015”
– theCam: undefined
– splitOutputType: undefined
– rawOutputType: undefined
– rawPath: undefined
– filename: “C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\temp\16_12_2014_14_58_33\max_job_info.job”
– renderOutputOverride: “”
– languageCode: undefined
– theCameras: #()
– is_fxr: undefined
– rawName: undefined
– theRect: undefined
– txt1: undefined
– VersionInfo: dotNetClass:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo
– languageInfo: undefined
– rendererClassString: “V_Ray_Adv_3_00_08”
– type_list: undefined
– pathCount: undefined
– reCount: 0
– txt4: undefined
– filenameToRender: “”
– txt3: undefined
– samples_list: undefined
– order_list: undefined
– TilesRendering: false
– singleFrameRendering: false
– AssemblyMode: #DRAFT
– tileString: “”
– theCurrentPath: undefined
– elementIndex: undefined
– renderingModesEnums: #(#none, #singleFrameMultiRegion, #animationMultiRegion, #singleFrameTiles, #animationTiles, #maxRegion)
– rawBaseName: undefined
– txt2: undefined
– item_list: undefined
– clear_list: undefined
– MultiRegionRendering: false
– tempTop: undefined
– theVal2: undefined
– JobInfofile: <File:C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\temp\16_12_2014_14_58_33\max_job_info.job>
– splitBaseName: undefined
– MyMax: dotNetObject:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo
– rendererID: “vray”
– dbrFrame: undefined
– reManager: MixinInterface:RenderElementMgr
– includeRenderElementPaths: true
– theVal: undefined
– enum_list: undefined
– called in SubmitJobFromUI(); filename: C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\; position: 445769; line: 9445
– Frame:
– oldMaxScriptFile: “”
– passDependencyList: undefined
– theMessage: undefined
– sizeInMB: undefined
– initialArgsFile: <File:C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\temp\16_12_2014_14_58_33\initialArgsFile.txt>
– oldSubmitMaxScript: false
– FF_AssetTracker_Functions: undefined
– oldVRayVFBState: false
– bitmapFilenames: undefined
– oldRenderDialogState: false
– OutputFilenameByUserPattern: undefined
– oldrendOutputFilename: undefined
– oldMatEditorOpenState: false
– theNetworkPath: undefined
– copyresult: undefined
– theXRefObjects: #()
– renderMsg: “–”
– warnAboutMissingFiles: true
– theBitmapsFileName: “”
– oldSceneExplorerStates: #()
– oldMeditLockedState: false
– VRAY_lowThreadPriority: false
– theFilterTime: undefined
– directory: undefined
– PFPPL_RenderPassFunctions: undefined
– frameList: undefined
– queryExternalFiles: true
– Amaretto: undefined
– extension: undefined
– imsqFilename: undefined
– activeRegions: 0
– oldSSDialogState: false
– ssPi: dotNetObject:Autodesk.Max.StateSets.Plugin
– theSceneXRefsCount: 0
– rpmdata: undefined
– numViews: undefined
– badRegions: 0
– BitmapsCopyData: undefined
– filename: undefined
– initialArgs: StringStream:"-outputfiles
– initialArgsFileName: ““C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\temp\16_12_2014_14_58_33\initialArgsFile.txt””
– oldPriority: undefined
– ssP: dotNetObject:Autodesk.Max.StateSets.Plugin
– path: undefined
– RPMDataNet: undefined
– txt: undefined
– oldAmarettoExportMode: undefined
– BRAZIL_lowThreadPriority: undefined
– theTime: undefined
– theViewCamera: undefined
– TilesRendering: false
– theAnswer: undefined
– theMaxfilename: undefined
– theFn: undefined
– doPassDependency: undefined
– MultiRegionRendering: false
– TempMaxFile: “C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\temp\16_12_2014_14_58_33_deleteme.max”
– previouslysubmittedJobs: undefined
– retCode: #success
– called in btn_submit.pressed(); filename: C:\Users\TAT\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\; position: 59739; line: 1462
– Frame:
– theMessage: undefined
– sanity: true
– result: undefined
– count: undefined
– FFPPL_RenderPassVoodoo_Dialog: undefined

MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
– Unable to convert: undefined to type: FileName <<

OK, let’s try that again. Please find attached files. Same procedure as last time.

Let us know if this now fixes the issue?

Mike (150 KB)

yey :slight_smile:

is it safe to stay with this patch ?

Sure. These fixes will be rolled into the upcoming v7.0 release.

Thanks for your patience and let us know if you encounter any other issues (if it’s a crash during SMTD submission, please do provide a full error stack trace)

Thanks to you for your support !
Now i need to see if my waiting to start slave are still here…

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