I would like to set up our render farm for xsi 5.11 using deadline 3.0. As far as i know the 3.0 no longer supports the 5.x versions. Is there a workaround for this problem?
I would like to set up our render farm for xsi 5.11 using deadline 3.0. As far as i know the 3.0 no longer supports the 5.x versions. Is there a workaround for this problem?
The only workaround would be to create a new XSI plugin to target XSI 5 and earlier. In XSI 6.01, the command line rendering arguments changed quite significantly, and they aren’t compatible with older versions. In order to keep the maintenance of our XSI plugin reasonable, we decided to drop support for older versions of XSI.
This would be quite involved, as you would have to create a new Deadline plugin and refer to the Deadline 2.7 XSI plugin for the arguments being passed to XSIBatch. The plugins are written mostly in python, and you can find the reference here:
franticfilms.com/software/su … ginsdk.php
You would also have to create a new submission script (either an integrated or a monitor script - the latter being the easier of the two). The only change would be to the plugin you’re submitting the job to, and you could use the original XSI monitor submission script as a reference. If you want to write a monitor submission script, details can be found here:
franticfilms.com/software/su … ipting.php
I guess the other workaround would be to upgrade XSI.
Thanks Ryan!
Of course we have upgrades for XSI up to 7.0.
The problem belongs to older projects. You know commercial bussiness… suddenly they often wants to modify older projects.
Anyway we’ll try to recreate those plugin scripts.