3DS - Geometry & Material Changes

I am having the following problem with deadline and 3ds max. I create a simple scene. A plane, sphere, box and teapot with a vray sun. Very simple materials on each object. Save the scene. Set up a couple render channels and submit. Everything works great. I then change the render channel file names and move the teapot. Resubmit. Everything renders but the teapot location does not change within the rendered image. Kill deadline and restart from within 3ds. Resubmit. Same result. Nothing changes for the teapot. Do a save as of the scene. Close and reopen. Resubmit through deadline. The teapot moves. This situation is also the same when I change materials as well. Any ideas? Thanks

If you are submitting using the integrated 3ds Max To Deadline submission script (SMTD), what are your settings for the MAX scene saving and submitting? The default mode is “orange”, and it is called “SAVE and Submit Current Scene File with the Job to the REPOSITORY”.
Is your setting the same, or a different color/text? If yes, which one?
If you want, you can attach a screenshot of your SMTD UI…

By default, SMTD will save the scene to a temp. MAX file and send that file to Deadline. However, there is a special option called “DO NOT SAVE And Use Current Scene’s ORIGINAL NETWORK PATH”. In this mode, changes to the current scene will NOT be saved, and only changes to the render settings will be passed on to Deadline as part of the JOB file. This is similar to how the Monitor Submitter can take a previously saved MAX file, and just throw it over to Deadline to render without opening it or modifying its content. The main benefit is submission speed - if the MAX scene is one GB in size, saving it to disk can take minutes. If nothing has changed in it, the user could decide to skip the saving part and just send the file As Is, ignoring any modifications.

However, I am considering removing/hiding this option from the next version of Deadline because it might interfere with other workflows in SMTD, and could confuse new users.

Nice. Switching the option to “SAVE and Submit Current Scene File with the Job to the REPOSITORY” worked. Thank you!!! I have been pulling my hair out trying to get this to work. Thank you.