3ds Max Blowup render

I’m trying to submit a blowup render to deadline through maxscript. I cannot figure out how to make it work.

In my latest test I used this code:
SMTDSettings.RegionType = 3
SMTDSettings.TileBlowupMode = true

If someone could share a code snippet of how to do it I would make me a happy man.

The right properties to get the 3ds Max Blowup Region working are

  SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode = #maxRegion --enables the last mode of the Tiles tab's options
  SMTDSettings.RegionType = 3 --enables Blowup mode for the 3ds Max region

If you want to use the 3ds Max region definition, just set

 SMTDSettings.RegionUseMaxValues = true

If SMTDSettings.RegionUseMaxValues is set to false, you must specify the actual corners, e.g.

SMTDSettings.RegionLeft = 273
SMTDSettings.RegionTop = 165
SMTDSettings.RegionRight = 521
SMTDSettings.RegionBottom = 351

In the above example, note that the aspect ratio of the region matches the image aspect of the output. In my case, I had render output set to 800x600, which is of course image aspect 1.3333. If you subtract Left from Right and Top from Bottom, you end up with 521-273=248 and 351-165=186, and 248/186 is 1.3333! The SMTD UI, and 3ds Max’ UI make sure the region aspect is locked. If you set it yourself, it is up to you to ensure that.

Note that the “Blowup” option used to be broken at C++ level in the Lightning.dlx integration plugin in earlier versions of Deadline. It was fixed in Deadline 9 on Feb. 2, 2017.

I hope this helps.

Worked like a charm!

Thank you, this was very helpful