3ds Max Submit a Multi-Camera job

Please, please, please implement this feature - this is so important(!)

I have asked about this a couple times (post1, post2) and struggled to put into words exactly what you have just described here.

Our current 3ds Max workflow requires the entire job (scene) be sent over a network to a remote render farm location, however, sending a 4.5Gb scene from TX to CA for rendering, especially over a WAN.

In the current batch camera workflow, SMTD uses the data from the Batch Render settings in Max, but it RESUBMITS the entire .max scene file for each camera - this is obviously inefficient compared to sending the job once and reusing the data on the server side.

@Bobo would you consider modifying the batch camera .zip or SMTD to support this type of behavior as you have described it? It would massively optimize our workflow for submitting data over the network for rendering, especially for batched camera scenarios.