3dsCmd submit with PreRenderScript?

I can’t find any way to get the 3dsCmd submit to run use a prerenderscript?

it works with the standard backburner max cmd submit:

knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3 … A-htm.html
“-preRenderScript: or -script: Uses a pre-render script where is the name of the script file.”

When I went through recently and added a load of missing command line flags for 3dsCmd, I honestly didn’t think many people used the 3dsCmd plugin that much as our “3dsmax” is soooo much more powerful with our custom Lightning c++ plugin. ie: scripts can be fired either via Python or MaxScript:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … cripts-tab

I’m curious why your using 3dsCmd? Yes, the -preRenderScript / -postRenderScript flags can be added. I just wonder if it’s going to do what you need and whether any other flags are missing that you would like to have access to? (From memory, I didn’t bother to add any of the render output “image” flags for say tga, exr, etc). Are you submitting via the 3dsCmd in-app submitter in 3dsMax and/or the 3dsCmd submitter in Deadline Monitor?

I’d like to understand use case here.

hey Mike, the main reason why I use the 3dsCmd is that I could not find the “OutputFilename” in the 3dsmax version?

let me try and explain how and what I’m doing/trying to do :slight_smile:

we have build an external asset browser, that contains about 700 materials each in its own .max file and more than 12.000 models also in their own max files…all of these have a .jpg thumbnail with the same name… (why I need the “StillFrame” option)

the model .max files are only containing the models, so I have to merge in a studio setup with a camera and run a .ms script that does(tries) to auto frame the camera based on the size of the model… (why I need the “PreRenderScript” option)

since non of the models have the same/correct render settings in the files or outputs defined, I add a renderpreset and an output path when I submit them to the farm :slight_smile:

hope this makes sense?

ok, cool.

The main 3dsmax render output is stored in the PluginInfo job file as the key=value pair:


I like your intended workflow using 3dsCmd, it’s clean and simple, which should make it stable (reliable for you). As I gather you already have this workflow working via BB?, so we know it will work!

I’ll make a note to add the -pre/-post script flags shortly. I think I’ll probably add all the image flags as well for completeness. Anything else missing?

Yes this is a workflow we have been using for a while, and yes its both simple and stable (as stable as anything involving BB can be) :slight_smile:

I will try and make an option to use the 3dsmax submit, and see if it’s any different!

also about the rest of the missing 3dscmd options, as far as I can see they have a very limited use, so don’t add them unless anyone else needs them!
I would be more than happy with just the post/pre scripts :slight_smile:

again THANKS for taking the time to reply, its highly appreciated!

Any news on adding the -pre /-post script flags? (haven’t updated to deadline 8 yet, so can’t check if it’s there) :slight_smile:

We added this functionality in Deadline, released on 30th Sept 2015:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ease-notes

as per release notes entry:

  • Added Pre and Post Render Script options to the integrated and Monitor submitters for 3dsCmd.

Love you !!! :slight_smile:

Just a quick update … the pre render script option works like a charm … :slight_smile:

but we are getting some strange errors that we have never seen before updating to this build:

“Error: 3dsmax: Failed to load max file: “C:/Users/max/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline7/slave/cr52/jobsData/56ea8fb54cd2845d54500779/116069_Rais_Scene05.max””

It only happens to 3-4 users, the rest have not had any issues … ?

Hmmm…this sounds familiar to a few other users of late. Is it at all possible, then you recently updated your systems from Max 2015 to Max2016 and with that install, updated Backburner to 2016, which you would need to do, for compatibility with Deadline? If so, there seems to be a known issue from Autodesk on this issue and corrupt Backburner somehow happens!

I just updated our 3dsMax docs for Deadline 8.0 with this snippet:

“Additionally, there is a known issue where a corrupt install of Backburner in 3ds Max 2015 or earlier can cause 3ds Max 2016 to fail to load its Max scene file. Autodesk provides a knowledge post Backburner Error 1721 During Install on how to resolve if this is the case.”

knowledge.autodesk.com/search-r … stall.html

If this isn’t the case, then we will need to see full log reports from a good machine and some bad machines so that we can compare and see if anything stands out. Have you changed anything else in your pipeline recently?

Typically, this error is when you create a Max scene file with a particular version of 3dsMax like: “3dsMax 2015 SP2” but then try to render it on some machines which only have: “3dsMax 2015 SP1” installed. Believe it or not, ALL machines MUST be identical or trouble looms…in render town. :wink:

I just checked … both the machine that’s submitting is 2016 sp1 and the machine rendering is the same …
the reason this is “strange” is that we haven’t changed anything except the deadline version since this exact file worked and stopped working …?!

But should I just install a newer/older version of backburner, and should I install it on the submitter or the slave machine?

ps I have attached an error log… hope this helps?
Job_2016-03-17_12-56-35_56ea9b730ab5c5f9d8e78504.txt (40.3 KB)

Ah, I love our detailed logs…right…couple of things, first one is probably the major issue for you:

  1. Missing plugin. 3dsMax goes boom! as a result. So, fix this missing plugin:
  1. No harm in updating all your machines to SP3 for 3dsMax 2016.

  2. Your running a BETA version of Deadline ( Not a total killer here, but there are 3 newer versions available for you, with various fixes/goodies in it for you: deadline.thinkboxsoftware.com/re … ory-index/. I also know if you contact our support, the first thing they love to blast you with is “…can you update please to the latest public shipping version…”, which is fair enough. :slight_smile:

the missing plugin is nothing new … we have rendered with that 10000 times … (ill remove it but it’s not the issue)

the issue is that I have installed “DeadlineClient-” yesterday …
so ill try and update the slave reporting by hand!?

Ah, yeah, the mismatch of Deadline versions is likely to be causing a problem here. Do you have “Automatic Upgrades” & “Remote Administration” enabled in your Repository Options?

docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … he-clients

Yes both of those are checked … but a few of the machines have failed updating to the latest version … I’m updating by hand as we speak! :slight_smile:

So updating by hand…and deleting the missing .dll warning did the job :slight_smile:
one of the machines that did not update automatically had 3 deadlinemonitors running in the task manager … so I guess that’s why :slight_smile:

ps are you sure the “RenderOutput” option works for 3ds command line submit?
I tried fro 2 hours yesterday … and ended up having to use the preRenderScript to enable file save and set a filename!
not a big issue, but not 100% sure if it’s broken or i’m just stupid! :slight_smile:

thanks again for all your help!

The RenderOutput Key=value pair name did change in a more recent version of Deadline to accommodate 3dsmax-SMTD sending VRay DBR off-load jobs from SMTD to 3dsCmd plugin. So if you are manually submitting to the 3dsCmd plugin via a custom script, make sure you update it to be: “RenderOutput=\path\to\your\file\server\render.png”. If no “RenderOutput=” entry is given when submitting, then whatever path is saved in the 3dsMax scene file will be respected. This should all be fine if your using Perhaps, your results were based on using an older version?

Where are you submitting it from?

I’m submitting a .json file from our inhouse model library tool … (just a image viewer that shows an 800x800 image for each .max file in a folder) but being able to just right click a model and have it send a .json file to deadline is soooo cool compared to anything we have done in the past :slight_smile:

the reason I needed the prerender script option is that our model library only contains .max files with objects in them … so I need a script to merge in a studio scene, and auto frame a camera to get a semi good image from the files :slight_smile:

but it’s working now … (: