3dsCmd-submitter-windows-installer for 3DS Max 2023


I’m trying to install Deadline for the 3DS Max 2023, and I used the instructions here.
3ds Max 2023 Support - Deadline / Feature Requests - AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums (thinkboxsoftware.com)

However, the 3DS max cmd submiter has no version for 3DS Max 2023.
Could you provide the right file?

Hi Rodrigo_Oliveira,

I am trying to push multicamera batch render through deadline cmd submitter but its rendering only one camera. can you provide what setting you are using for deadline cmd submitter.
Max version- 2023
deadline version

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Avinash_Kumar_Pandey ,
In fact we use another system in between to fill the submissions, which is called Prism (it is a plugin of 3DS Max) - Prism | ScriptSpot. Prism is a render pass manager which talks to our scene in 3DS Max and generetes the configuration for Deadline. Each set of parts will be set on the “Pass” and each pass can be associated with several cameras or “Shots”. The output in deadline is something like the image (combination of pass and shot). I believe prism can be a useful start for you, however you have other options. Using a pass manager can really help you. If you need help setting up prism, I can help. Cheers, Rodrigo.
