[3dsmax 2016 / VRay 3.40.02] Vray Raw Render wont save file

3dsmax 2016
VRay 3.40.02

We are experiance an issue where the Vray Raw Render option is not being passed to the farm. IMAGE BELOW. This was working a few months ago and we’ve only noticed it now.

Link for higher rez http://i.imgur.com/Z6A0jZn.png

Well, the good news is it should still be in there so we didn’t remove the option and it looks like we made a change in 8.0.12 because the MaxScript property changed.

Apparently this is the change in the code:

	#("output_rawFileName",false,"output_rawFileName"), --v3.x Change to Camel-Case by Chaos Group

Is this urgent or a nice-to-have? Also, could you provide a very simple test scene where that property is enabled in V-Ray and I’ll run it through as a test?

Without this option available we cant not write VRay RAW EXR files.

I checked our version of VRay and its using UpperCase : output_rawFileName. Looking thru the deadline code its looks like a few spots are doing an “If” check. Not sure if that’s is a solution?

I’ve included a max file with the option enabled.

output_rawFileNameTEST.zip (56.4 KB)

Well, I’ve passed it over to the integration guys to take a look. They’ll know this better than I do.

This is fixed in DL9. You can kinda quick-fix this yourself. In your “<your_repo>/plugins/3dsmax/3dsmax.options” file, search for this line:


and add the extra [KEY] value after it, so it looks like this (u may need to update the ‘Index=’ numbers so that things are in order:

Label=Raw Image File Name
Category=V-Ray : Frame Buffer (Output)
Description=VFB Output - Raw Image File Name.

NOT duplicate due to change in Camel-Case for KEY

Label=Raw Image File Name
Category=V-Ray : Frame Buffer (Output)
Description=VFB Output - Raw Image File Name.

save the file, via a good text editor and then try re-opening a 3ds Max job props in Monitor.

(V-Ray 3.x updated it’s prop name to be CamelCase, hence why it changed).

We tried the fixes but nothing has worked yet. Here is a break down of the options and commands we see.


Please upgrade to or newer and then apply these files to fix the issue.

  1. 3dsmax plugin patch files. Unzip “3dsmax-plugin-patch.zip” file and overwrite same named files in “<your_repo>/plugins/3dsmax/”

  2. SMTD patch - Unzip and overwrite same named file: “SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms” into “<your_repo>/submission/3dsMax/Main/SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms”

3dsmax-plugin-patch.zip (137 KB)

SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms.zip (96.6 KB)

Please ensure you submit fresh 3dsmax jobs from SMTD (using Deadline into your Deadline queue. I am assuming you have not forked any of our code and a custom version is not residing in your: “<your_repo>/custom/…”

We’ve upgraded to deadline 10 and our issue is still present.

A few interesting errors I’ve seen in the log files are :
2017-09-19 11:05:10: 0: WARNING: V-Ray renderer MAXScript property: raw output filename is missing!

Then when the render is done: (***** replaced for security)
2017-09-19 11:16:24: 0: INFO: Searching local output folder for: C:**\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\boxx68\jobsData\59c15eb691d3eb0ce86de8d0\0_temp1vo6N0\EXRTESTING.0000.exr
2017-09-19 11:16:24: 0: WARNING: Unable to locate local render file: C:**\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\boxx68\jobsData\59c15eb691d3eb0ce86de8d0\0_temp1vo6N0\EXRTESTING.0000.exr

This folder do not exist on those slaves. I’ve included a log file as well.

Job_2017-09-19_10-20-52_59c152065d4d700e688ce0c7.txt (34.4 KB)

Hi, the fix for this issue was released in Deadline 9. However, this same fix was not merged and then released in Deadline until I note from your log report you are running So, you simply need to update to receive this patch. The latest version of Deadline 10 is, which I recommend you install.