3dsmax 2016
VRay 3.40.02
We are experiance an issue where the Vray Raw Render option is not being passed to the farm. IMAGE BELOW. This was working a few months ago and we’ve only noticed it now.
Link for higher rez http://i.imgur.com/Z6A0jZn.png
Well, the good news is it should still be in there so we didn’t remove the option and it looks like we made a change in 8.0.12 because the MaxScript property changed.
Apparently this is the change in the code:
#("output_rawFileName",false,"output_rawFileName"), --v3.x Change to Camel-Case by Chaos Group
Is this urgent or a nice-to-have? Also, could you provide a very simple test scene where that property is enabled in V-Ray and I’ll run it through as a test?
Without this option available we cant not write VRay RAW EXR files.
I checked our version of VRay and its using UpperCase : output_rawFileName. Looking thru the deadline code its looks like a few spots are doing an “If” check. Not sure if that’s is a solution?
I’ve included a max file with the option enabled.
output_rawFileNameTEST.zip (56.4 KB)
Well, I’ve passed it over to the integration guys to take a look. They’ll know this better than I do.
This is fixed in DL9. You can kinda quick-fix this yourself. In your “<your_repo>/plugins/3dsmax/3dsmax.options” file, search for this line:
and add the extra [KEY] value after it, so it looks like this (u may need to update the ‘Index=’ numbers so that things are in order:
Label=Raw Image File Name
Category=V-Ray : Frame Buffer (Output)
Description=VFB Output - Raw Image File Name.
NOT duplicate due to change in Camel-Case for KEY
Label=Raw Image File Name
Category=V-Ray : Frame Buffer (Output)
Description=VFB Output - Raw Image File Name.
save the file, via a good text editor and then try re-opening a 3ds Max job props in Monitor.
(V-Ray 3.x updated it’s prop name to be CamelCase, hence why it changed).
We tried the fixes but nothing has worked yet. Here is a break down of the options and commands we see.
Please upgrade to or newer and then apply these files to fix the issue.
3dsmax plugin patch files. Unzip “3dsmax-plugin-patch.zip” file and overwrite same named files in “<your_repo>/plugins/3dsmax/”
SMTD patch - Unzip and overwrite same named file: “SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms” into “<your_repo>/submission/3dsMax/Main/SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms”
3dsmax-plugin-patch.zip (137 KB)
SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms.zip (96.6 KB)
Please ensure you submit fresh 3dsmax jobs from SMTD (using Deadline into your Deadline queue. I am assuming you have not forked any of our code and a custom version is not residing in your: “<your_repo>/custom/…”
We’ve upgraded to deadline 10 and our issue is still present.
A few interesting errors I’ve seen in the log files are :
2017-09-19 11:05:10: 0: WARNING: V-Ray renderer MAXScript property: raw output filename is missing!
Then when the render is done: (***** replaced for security)
2017-09-19 11:16:24: 0: INFO: Searching local output folder for: C:**\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\boxx68\jobsData\59c15eb691d3eb0ce86de8d0\0_temp1vo6N0\EXRTESTING.0000.exr
2017-09-19 11:16:24: 0: WARNING: Unable to locate local render file: C:**\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\boxx68\jobsData\59c15eb691d3eb0ce86de8d0\0_temp1vo6N0\EXRTESTING.0000.exr
This folder do not exist on those slaves. I’ve included a log file as well.
Job_2017-09-19_10-20-52_59c152065d4d700e688ce0c7.txt (34.4 KB)
Hi, the fix for this issue was released in Deadline 9. However, this same fix was not merged and then released in Deadline until I note from your log report you are running So, you simply need to update to receive this patch. The latest version of Deadline 10 is, which I recommend you install.