AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

3dsmax 2024 Support

I just tried the patch with
I could render VRay6 and Maxscript job.

we actually got to the bottom of this.
it was a corrupted deadline auto-update, for some reason it never works on our end. had to uninstall and reinstall deadline, seems fine now

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just wanted to follow up ilya_floussov
I had the same issue, same errors. but reinstalling the client fixed it.
2024.1 all working, after applying the patch + reinstalling clients.

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Just to give a different answer for the ETA, we’re still working on the release! It’ll be a good but complex release and we want to make it right!


Hello, I’m curious about something. Is it possible to customize the 3ds Max plugin in order to add custom features, specific to the studio pipeline? without recreating the plugin from scratch. Being a compiled plugin the source code is not available.

Today we finally made the jump to Max 2024.1 and Corona 10 and discovered a issue with case sensitivity that did not exist with out previous setup with Max 2023 and Corona 9.

Corona (as well as other plugins) will install to:


Max however only sets up the directory in Plugin.UserSettings.ini:

[MaxInstallDirectory]\PlugIn s (capital i)

Thats doesn’t seem to be an issue when rendering directly from Max, neither it was with Max 2023 and Corona 9, but when rendering through Deadline Max 2024 will not be able to load Corona from the path it is installed to.

This can be fixed by adding [MaxInstallDirectory]\Plugins to the Plugin.UserSettings.ini.

This does work for us so I am just posting to raise awareness.

@Enrico_Lapponi please make a new thread about your customization question. We’ll discuss the 2024 issue with Corona today.

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Thanks @Kevin_N for sharing the workaround here, looking at the code here, file looks for the plugin.UserSettings.ini file and writes some lines to it. You can add the line to the DeadlineRepository10\plugins\3dsmax\ on line #2117


We have seen that Deadline doesn’t load the 3ds Max 2022.3 and later plugins stored in the legacy standard path “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2022\Plugins”. The workaround we’ve used is to use the new 3dsmax 2022 environment variables and set ADSK_3DSMAX_PLUGINS_ADDON_DIR to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2022\Plugins.

how is this going?
I know you guys don’t have ETA but… are we close or are we far still? :smiley:

Last year around this time the support for the new version was released, So maybe close?

The problem is that we ship when we’re ready. If something big needs to make it in and it delays the release, we’d disappoint a lot of people. Posting patches on the forums is our stop-gap for those things we can do earlier.

Appreicate that you cant hand out launch dates etc but we are now 3 months from the initial 3ds max 2024 launch and still waiting for an updated installer. Even the most obscure, under developed plugins we use have been updated to 2024 by this point.

Unofficial forum patches are good and all for the smaller outfits but for larger operations, these patches often come with issues were not willing to introduce into large scale production.

If your wondering where the pressure for updates to 3ds max 2024 are coming from, well its because autodesk actully added features artists wanted for once :smile:


Just re-installed Backburner , released in 2019. It has excellent 2024-support :laughing:

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I can’t use photoshop => use paint…
Comparing Backburner and Deadline sound like the same to me…

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Thank you!! it is working flawlesly so far :slight_smile:

New version of Deadline is out supporting the latest 3ds max :partying_face:

Installed the latest Deadline Version.
3dsMax 2023 works fine with Arnold, Corona, Vray.
3dsMax 2024 doesnt work with any render engine:

“Error: 3dsmax startup: Error getting connection from 3dsmax: Monitored managed process “3dsmaxProcess” has exited or been terminated.”


Hello @MarkusB

Can you share the full stack trace for this error?

Also, if the Deadline client version and repo version are not the same the plugin will fail to initialize. Here’s more details on it:

Hello @zainali
Like I said, deadline works fine with 3dsmax2023 on this client, but when I use 3dsmax2024, it fails to start.

Deadline Client Version: Release (fd97c242e)
FranticX Client Version: Release (708beba6f)

License Mode:

Repository Version: (fd97c242e)
Integration Version: (fd97c242e)
3PL Settings Version: 03/08/2023

I doubt this is a version issue, as it works with 2023.

Here is the link to Error LOG:


I looked at the job report, it is not obvious why Max has exited from the job report. Except for this line:

2023/08/10 16:36:38 ERR: [47632] [44388] Der Netzwerk-Renderer wird aufgrund einer unerwarteten Ausnahme beendet.

Follow here to troubleshoot further. Please share your findings.

good news, it is working again.
I did a test with Pulze Render Manager and had the same issue, so I thought, it cant be Deadline.
After reinstalling MAX and adding plugin by plugin, I nailed it down to Tyflow v. 1.024. Checking there forum, this seems to be a known issue. After installing the previous version 1.023, everything works fine.

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