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[3dsMax] Calling DeadlineUtil.FailRender when loading scene

While loading the 3ds Max scene I try to call DeadlineUtil.FailRender. It seems to break the loading process, but not the render task. Calling DeadlineUtil.LogMessage right before works fine.

In order to transfer the scene asset files to the render node we run a filePreOpen callback script. This should fail the render job when the assets are not available. Attached you’ll find an excerpt of the log. At the critical scLog printout the render task should fail, but it doesn’t.

Thank you for any ideas.

2013-12-10 21:05:07: 0: INFO: Loading 3dsmax scene file 2013-12-10 21:05:08: 0: INFO: scLog: debug SC_RenderSlaveScripts.LocalizeDependencies :: Starting File Localization ... 2013-12-10 21:05:08: 0: INFO: scLog: debug // SC_PathLocalizer 2.35 :: Deadline scene path to localize: C:\Users\scanlinevfx\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline6\slave\LAPRO0464\jobsData\52a619043db75917983ddf4e\ 2013-12-10 21:05:09: 0: INFO: scLog: info Render slave and localize is enabled, localizing scene. 2013-12-10 21:05:09: 0: INFO: scLog: debug // SC_PathLocalizer 2.35 :: Localizing dependencies for C:\Users\scanlinevfx\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline6\slave\LAPRO0464\jobsData\52a619043db75917983ddf4e\SHR_shr_rsrc_v0004_cde_Missing.max... 2013-12-10 21:05:10: 0: INFO: scLog: critical // SC_PathLocalizer 2.35 :: Files not found on server for UDIM path [\\inferno2\projects\test\scenes\SHR_shr_rsrc\images\textures\dbgUDIMLocalization\v0001_cde_initial\shr_shr_rsrc_dbgUDIMLocalization.<UDIM>.exr]. 2013-12-10 21:05:14: 0: INFO: scLog: info setting vraySetAADifference, vraySetAACutoff 2013-12-10 21:05:15: 0: INFO: scLog: info verisonizeAPI.fnPostFileOpen() 2013-12-10 21:05:15: 0: INFO: scLog: info niVersionizeAPI autoset project 2013-12-10 21:05:16: 0: INFO: scLog: info versionizeAPI.fnPostFileOpen :: WARNING :: detected a scene opened from an UNKNOWN PROJECT : scanlinevfx 2013-12-10 21:05:16: 0: INFO: scLog: info versionizeAPI.fnPostFileOpen no project returning 2013-12-10 21:05:17: 0: INFO: Load Wait Loop over [SUCCESS Scene loaded successfully]

Thanks for reporting this. I checked our 3dsmax plugin code, and it looks like we’re only processing LogMessage and LogWarning during scene loading. We’ll have to update it to support failing the render as well.


  • Ryan

Thanks for confirming. Is it only the plugin file which needs to be adjusted? Looking forward to the solution.

Yeah, I think so. In the meantime, if you could just trigger 3dsmax to exit, that should work as well.

As a workaround I tried to call “quitMAX #noPrompt”, but the render task keeps running. It even renders multiple frames on the same machine.

Darn, I figured that would work.

We’re hoping to look into the FailRender problem for beta 14.


I checked our code, and when you call FailRender, it actually throws a runtime error within Max. The problem is that even if there are errors during scene loading, Max still loads the scene file, so that’s why I think it continues on.

What if you used the Run Pre-Load Script option that you can set in SMTD: … cripts_Tab

I’ve tested it and confirmed that calling FailRender in this script works.


  • Ryan

Thank you for your response. I will give the Pre-Load Script option a try.


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