3dsmax - Deadline - Error messages

Hello guys!!

I am rendering a scene in our farm and we are getting a weird situation. Some task are getting the following error:
"Error: RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Monitored managed process “3dsmaxProcess” has exited or been terminated.
1:52:15 WRN: [12672] [10556] BaseNode::EvalWorldState called while in CallPostCB executing priority 6 or less callback" (I am attaching one error report log).

The thing that is catching my attention is that this is happening on different nodes/slaves and fails, but then the same tasks is taking over by another node that works fine. This is happening in almost all render nodes, jumping tasks and the work renders until we get 100 errors.

Can you help me identify the issue or at least point me in the right direction?

Might this be a limit on the RAM? Is the only thing that I can think of.

Thank you very much for your time and help!!

Attached error log:
Job_2024-07-26_11-56-43_66a3b914503833132d228465.zip (8.9 KB)

2024/07/26 11:54:43 ERR: [13352] [10612] JPEG - Invalid Image File Header

I could be wrong but look like you got some texture now able to be read by 3dsMAX, you need to fix your scene first…
render menu / scene converter => clean the scene from issing stuffs
File menu / asset tracking => check there no missing asset
check also all your jpg texture at least 3 are corrupted “JPEG - Invalid Image File Header”

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Thanks MarcoA. We usually do a clean up for this with Collect_Assets script and RelinkBitmaps scripts, also check the scene with Prune/Sini and we remove all missing plugins, but there is always something we might miss.

The JPEG is a great advice to check!!

The fast workaround we found was to ignore the error limit (not ideal, but enough to reach the “deadline” delivery).

Thank you for the help!!