3dsMax Patch for Deadline 2.7


Noted there.  If we are still using Max8 (spX) does this require us to install this patch?  Secondly, if/when we do indeed upgrade to Max9 is it required to be installed on Render Nodes as well as Workstations or just the latter?



Hey Joe,

The patch fixes a bug in the submission script, which is used to submit

to all versions of the max plugin. So yes, you will have to install it

if your are using max 8. Note that the patch only requires you to update

a single file in the repository, so you don’t have to worry about

updating your workstations or slaves.


Right! Of course! Heh, ok, well cool, that is easy, thought I was going to

have to install that across the farm, which, would’ve sucked a royally big


Thanks for all the help today Ryan, I will let you know if I find any issues

with 2.7!


It works now just by having 'true' as the last line in the script.


Thank you

It works now just by having 'true' as the last line in the script.


Thank you

Sorry replied in wrong topic.