3dsmax post process script

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to write a script to post process some images when done rendering with 3dsmax and Corona.
We are currently using a custom built script to send the renders to deadline based on the simple submitter tutorial.
Corona files are saved in .cxr and Corona provided an exe file that can convert cxr to jpg (or whatever we need)
Right now when files are saved as cxr we run a batch file (provided by corona) which scans the folder, finds all cxr and just extract them.
I’d like to add a few options in the submitter script (in 3dsmax) to auto extract cxr or not, export as jpg or png, etc.

I’m half way through writing a python script that would use subprocess.call to run the corona converter exe but the main thing I’m wondering now is how to pass arguments from 3dsmax to the python script.
For example if the user chooses at submission time to auto extract his cxr to png, how would I pass that info to the python script which is going to do the post processing?

I hope my question is clear and please let me know if you have any question.



You could use the jobs extra info or extra key value pairs to save the data.

Then you don’t even necessarily need post process script, you could do it in a OnJobFinishedCallback event.

Cool thanks for that.

I’ll definitely look into the extra info.

Will the OnJobFinishedCallback get triggered when the full job is done (all frames of an animation for exemple)? It doesn’t seem like there is a OnTaskFinishedCallback equivalent but if one of the animation frame gets stuck then none of the frames will be extracted until the last one finishes)

Yeah, that’s true. It only triggers when the whole job is finished.