A value starting with # denotes a Name value in MAXScript. A Name value is similar to a String value (e.g. “singleFrameTiles”), however it is case-insensitive. Most of MAXScript is case-insensitive, except for Strings. So if you have a logical test like
from your submitter during the submission to dump everything into the SMTD log, then upload the resulting log file here so we can inspect the settings…
Please see my previous notes about how to dump the SMTDSettings to the SMTD log, then perform a Tiles submission and send me the resulting log - you can find it via the SMTD UI > Tools > Explore SMTD Log Folder… It should be under
We using Custom Submitter.
global SMTDSettings
global SMTDFunctions
global SMTD_PerformSanityCheck
global SMTD_MainRollout
global SMTD_UserOptions
global SMTD_LogStream = #()
global SMTD_LogFilters = #()
global SMTD_LogShowTimestamp = true
local SMTD_todaysLogFile = "C:\Users\AdminTest\Desktop\test.txt"
local HelpURL = "https://www.render724.com/eng/Help"
local Costurl = "https://www.render724.com/eng/CostCalculator"
local BuyUrl = "https://www.render724.com/eng/Buy"
local credit = "Credits: 25.000,00"
rcmenu SMTD_MainRollout_MainMenu
subMenu "&Account"
menuItem mnu_openaccount "Login/Logout"
menuItem mnu_createuser "Add Team Member"
menuItem mnu_jobhistory "Job History"
subMenu "&Purchase"
menuItem mnu_buycredit "Render Credits"
menuItem mnu_buyserver "Server Rental"
subMenu "&Cost Calculator"
menuItem mnu_perform_check "Check CPU Performance" --Ciktisini dosyaya yaz
menuItem mnu_costcalculate "Cost Calculate Now!" enabled:false--yazdigin dosyayi kontrol et.
subMenu "&Help"
menuItem mnu_openHelp "&Error Codes"
menuItem mnu_openTutorials "&Tutorials"
menuItem mnu_openFeedback "&Feedback"
menuItem mnu_openAbout "&About"
on mnu_costcalculate picked do shellLaunch Costurl "" --todo ilk ?nce perform check olayini yaptir eger deger yoksa perform checki calistir.. Sonra git sayfaya.
on mnu_buycredit picked do shellLaunch BuyUrl ""
on mnu_openHelp picked do shellLaunch HelpURL ""
on mnu_openaccount picked do ()
on mnu_perform_check picked do shellLaunch "C:\\Users\\AdminTest\\Desktop\\CINEBENCH_R15\\CINEBENCHWindows64Bit.exe" ""
global SimpleRenderSubmitter_Rollout
try(destroyDialog SimpleRenderSubmitter_Rollout)catch()
rollout SimpleRenderSubmitter_Rollout "Render724 Submitter" rolledup:true
label test ""
label test2 ""
label test3 ""
imgTag logo"logo" style:#bmp_center bitmap:(openBitmap @"\\FILESERVER\Backup\_temp\Logo - 180x50.jpg") width:180 height:50 offset:[-13,-59] across:3
label lbl_username "Name Surname" align:#right offset:[198,-40] width:120 height:20 border:false tooltip:"Username"
label lbl_credit credit align:#right offset:[-1,-15] width:120 height:20 border:false tooltip:"Username" tooltip:"Current Render Credits"
--button btn_credit credit width:85 height:50 offset:[0,-55] align:#right border:false tooltip:"Current Render Credits"
group "Advanced Settings"
checkbox test_render "Test Render:" align:#left across:5 tooltip:"Change output size for test rendering."
dropdownlist cozunurluk items:#("%50 Resolution","%25 Resolution") align:#left offset:[-33,0] width:120 height:50 enabled:false tooltip:"Select the output size percent for test rendering."
button btn_openBatchRenderUI "Batch Render" align:#right offset:[111,0] width:120 visible:true tooltip:"Use data from batch render dialog box. \nThe Batch render tool offers you to create multiple render job list."
button btn_updateInfo "Update List" align:#right offset:[121,0] width:120 enabled:false tooltip:"Get render job list in the batch render dialog box."
label kactakac ""
group "Render Job Settings"
label lbl_priority "Priority:" align:#left across:2 tooltip:"This option offers you economic and powerful alternatives. The default settings is Low. If this render job pool is slow for your deadline, you should increase your priority. \n\nLow: The most economical pricing pool for your render jobs. \n\nMedium: The pool is that more powerful and your render jobs starts earlier than Low Priority pool.\n\nHigh: The pool is that more powerful and your render jobs starts earlier than Medium Priority pool. \n\nVery High: The pool is that the most powerful pool and your render jobs starts firstly."
label lbl_priorty_type "[Low] - [$0.005 GHz Hour] [Power of 300 cores]" align:#left offset:[-215,0] tooltip:"This option offers you economic and powerful alternatives. The default settings is Low. If this render job pool is slow for your deadline, you should increase your priority. \n\nLow: The most economical pricing pool for your render jobs. \n\nMedium: The pool is that more powerful and your render jobs starts earlier than Low Priority pool.\n\nHigh: The pool is that more powerful and your render jobs starts earlier than Medium Priority pool. \n\nVery High: The pool is that the most powerful pool and your render jobs starts firstly."
slider priorty_slider "" orient:#horizontal align:#left offset:[80,0] across:3 ticks:3 type:#integer range:[1,4,1] width:270 tooltip:"This option offers you economic and powerful alternatives. The default settings is Low. If this render job pool is slow for your deadline, you should increase your priority. \n\nLow: The most economical pricing pool for your render jobs. \n\nMedium: The pool is that more powerful and your render jobs starts earlier than Low Priority pool.\n\nHigh: The pool is that more powerful and your render jobs starts earlier than Medium Priority pool. \n\nVery High: The pool is that the most powerful pool and your render jobs starts firstly." --offset:[-90,0]
--dropdownlist render_credit width:175 offset:[-90,0] items:#("[Low] - [$0.005 GHz Hour] - [Power of 300 cores]","[Medium] - [$0.008 GHz Hour] [Power of 600 cores]","[High] - [$0.011 GHz Hour] [Power of 1200 cores]","[Very High] - [$0.014 GHz Hour] [Power of 3360 cores]") width:270 align:#right
--label lbl_errorcontrol "Error Control:" align:#left across:2
button btn_runSanityCheck "Check Scene Now!" align:#right offset:[70,-20] width:120 height:50 tooltip:"Check the scene before submitting project to Render724."
button btn_submit "RENDER" align:#right offset:[0,-20] width:120 height:50 enabled:false tooltip:"Submit project to Render724." --visible:false
group "Logs"
label x ""
label x2 ""
dotNetControl dnc_report "ListView" align:#center offset:[0,-35] width:605 height:150
label lbl_secure "Ready to Submit.." align:#left offset:[0,0]
--label lbl_process "Processing..." align:#center offset:[0,0]
progressbar process value:1 color:[225,125,0] width:600 height:20 range:[0,100,50] type:#integer --align:#center offset:[3,-2]
fn help = (
local q = querybox ("You couldn't submit your project. Wish we to you help?\nIf you click Yes, You will be redirected to Render724. You can upload your project there..") title:"Do you need help?"
shellLaunch HelpURL ""
fn job_priority_update val =
if (val > SMTDSettings.MaximumPriority) do (val = (SMTDSettings.MaximumPriority / 2))
if val <= SMTDSettings.MaximumPriority do
if keyboard.shiftPressed do val = ((floor(val/10.0))*10.0) as integer
theRed = (255.0 - 255.0*val/(SMTDSettings.MaximumPriority as float))*2.0
if theRed > 255 do theRed = 255
theGreen = 512.0*val/(SMTDSettings.MaximumPriority as float)
if theGreen > 255 do theGreen = 255
spn_priority.value = val
sld_priority.color = [theRed, theGreen, 0]
sld_priority.value = (val * 100) / SMTDSettings.MaximumPriority
fn initReportWindow lv =
local layout_def = #(#("",60), #("",400))
lv.backColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB SMTD_ColorPalette.maxBgColor.r SMTD_ColorPalette.maxBgColor.g SMTD_ColorPalette.maxBgColor.b
lv.View = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.View").Details
lv.gridLines = false
lv.fullRowSelect = true
lv.checkboxes = false
lv.hideSelection = false
lv.HeaderStyle = lv.HeaderStyle.None
for i in layout_def do lv.Columns.add i[1] i[2]
fn getTimeString =
timeArray = getLocalTime()
local hour = if timeArray[5] < 10 then (hour = "0" + (timeArray[5] as string)) else (hour = (timeArray[5] as string))
local minute = if timeArray[6] < 10 then (minute = "0" + (timeArray[6] as string)) else (minute = (timeArray[6] as string))
local second = if timeArray[7] < 10 then (second = "0" + (timeArray[7] as string)) else (second = (timeArray[7] as string))
timeString = hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second
fn getDayString =
theFilterTime = filterString localtime " /\\-:."
theTime = "- "
for i = 1 to 3 do theTime += theFilterTime[i] + "-"
fn Ui_report txt LogFileOnly:false AddTimeStamp:true =
if not LogFileOnly do
local strStream = txt as StringStream
local theRange = #()
local blackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB SMTD_ColorPalette.textColor.r SMTD_ColorPalette.textColor.g SMTD_ColorPalette.textColor.b
if SMTD_ColorPalette.maxBgColor.v >= 160 then
local redColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 192 0 0
local orangeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 192 100 0
local greenColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 0 92 0
local blueColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 0 0 128
local redColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 255 128 128
local orangeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 255 180 50
local greenColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 128 255 128
local blueColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 0 225 255 --192 220 255
local lineCount = 0
local foreColor = blackColor
while not eof strStream do
local aLine = readLine strStream
if aLine == "" do continue
lineCount +=1
local logLevel = #info
if lineCount == 1 do --set the color and log level only if this is the first line of a multi-line log block
case of
default: (
foreColor = blackColor
(matchPattern aLine pattern:"?--*"): (
foreColor = redColor
logLevel = #error
(matchPattern aLine pattern:"--*"): (
foreColor = redColor
logLevel = #error
(matchPattern aLine pattern:"?!!*"): (
foreColor = orangeColor
logLevel = #warning
(matchPattern aLine pattern:"!!*"): (
foreColor = orangeColor
logLevel = #warning
(matchPattern aLine pattern:"?+*"): (
foreColor = greenColor
logLevel = #success
(matchPattern aLine pattern:"+*"): (
foreColor = greenColor
logLevel = #success
(matchPattern aLine pattern:">*"): (
foreColor = blueColor
logLevel = #progress
(matchPattern aLine pattern:"==*"): (
foreColor = blueColor
logLevel = #progress
local theTimeStamp = (if AddTimeStamp then getTimeString() else "")
append ::SMTD_LogStream #(theTimeStamp, forecolor, logLevel, aLine)
if findItem ::SMTD_LogFilters logLevel == 0 do
local li = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem" (if SMTD_LogShowTimestamp then theTimeStamp else "")
li.forecolor = foreColor
local subLi = li.SubItems.add aLine
append theRange li
dnc_report.Items.AddRange theRange
if dnc_report.Items.Count > 0 do dnc_report.Items.Item[dnc_report.Items.Count-1].EnsureVisible()
local autoRes = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle"
dnc_report.AutoResizeColumns autoRes.ColumnContent
if not SMTD_LogShowTimestamp do dnc_report.Columns.Item[0].Width = 1
if AddTimeStamp then
try( format "[%] : %\n" (getTimeString()) txt to:SMTD_todaysLogFile)catch()
try( format "%\n" txt to:SMTD_todaysLogFile)catch()
fn batch_render = (
if SMTDSettings.UseBatchRender == true and SMTDSettings.BatchRenderMode == 1 then
process.value +=10
Ui_report ">Batch Submission Requested..."
result = SMTDFunctions.spawnBatchJobsLocal() --forceMaxFile:TempMaxFile
process.value +=5
Ui_report ">End Batch Submission."
--theMessage = SMTDFunctions.SubmitJobFromUI()
fn singletiles = (
if rendTimeType == 1 then (
Ui_report("Single Frame Detected..")
process.value +=5
SMTDSettings.SingleTileJobDependent = true --setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "TilesRendering" "SingleTileJobDependent" ( (SMTDSettings.SingleTileJobDependent = state) as string)
SMTDSettings.SingleTileJobCleanup = true --setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "TilesRendering" "SingleTileJobCleanup" ( (SMTDSettings.SingleTileJobCleanup = true) as string)
SMTDSettings.MultiRegionCopyDraftConfig = false --setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "MultiRegionRendering" "MultiRegionCopyDraftConfig " ( (SMTDSettings.MultiRegionCopyDraftConfig = false) as string)
if renderWidth > 2500 then
lastX = 5
lastY = 5
else if renderWidth > 1900 and renderWidth < 2500 then
lastX = 4
lastY = 4
lastX = 3
lastY = 3
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "TilesRendering" "TilesInX" ( (SMTDSettings.TilesInX= lastX) as string)
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "TilesRendering" "TilesInY" ( (SMTDSettings.TilesInY= lastY) as string)
--Ui_report ("+Tiles Rendering: Tiles In X set to [ X: "+ lastX as string+ " Y: "+ lasty as string + "] for this session. Not Sticky.")
--Ui_report ("+Tiles Rendering: Single Tile Dependent Assembly Job set to [" + state as string + "].")
--Ui_report ("+Tile/Region Rendering: Copy Draft Config Files To Output Folder set to [" + SMTDSettings.MultiRegionCopyDraftConfig as string + "].")
--Ui_report ("+Tile/Region Rendering: Single Tile Cleanup Assembly Job set to [" + (SMTDSettings.SingleTileJobCleanup as string + "]."))
SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode = #singleFrameTiles --"#singleFrameTiles" --setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "MultiRegionRendering" "RegionRenderingMode" ( (SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode = "#singleFrameTiles") as string)
--Ui_report ("+Tile/Region Rendering Mode set to [" + SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode + "]")
else Ui_report("Multiple Frame Detected..")
fn printFrameSequence mode:#log =
local frames = "1"
case rendTimeType of
1: (
local frames = SMTDFunctions.GetSequenceString #(currentTime.frame as integer)
case mode of
#log: (
(setclipboardText frames)
Ui_report (">+SINGLE FRAME:" + frames)
fn updateBatchRenderInfo =
SMTDSettings.UseBatchRender = true
SMTDSettings.BatchRenderMode = 1
local numViews = batchRenderMgr.numViews
local numActiveViews = (for i = 1 to numViews where (batchRenderMgr.getView i).enabled collect i).count
kactakac.text = numActiveViews as string +" of " + numViews as string + " Views are Enabled."
fn reportSubmissionSettings =
Ui_report ("File Path: ["+maxFilePath + "]")
Ui_report("File Name: ["+maxFileName + "]" )
local txt = ">SCENE INFO:\n"
try(txt += ("\t\tScene Nodes: "+objects.count as string + "\n") )catch()
try(txt += ("\t\t\tGeometry: "+geometry.count as string + "\n") )catch()
try(txt += ("\t\t\tShapes: "+shapes.count as string + "\n") )catch()
try(txt += ("\t\t\tLights: "+lights.count as string + "\n") )catch()
try(txt += ("\t\t\tCameras: "+cameras.count as string + "\n") )catch()
try(txt += ("\t\t\tHelpers: "+helpers.count as string + "\n") )catch()
try(txt += ("\t\t\tSpaceWarps: "+spacewarps.count as string + "\n" ) )catch()
Ui_report txt --logFileOnly:true
local theCam = viewport.getCamera()
if isValidNode theCam then
Ui_report ("Current View: ["+ theCam.name + "]" )
Ui_report ("Current View: Not A Camera" )
on btn_runSanityCheck pressed do
btn_submit.enabled = true
--SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report (">Performing SANITY CHECK...")
--local st = timestamp()
local result = SMTD_PerformSanityCheck()
--SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report (">Sanity Check took " + ((timestamp()-st)/1000.0) as string + " sec." )
if result then
print "Passed"
--SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report (">+The Scene PASSED the Sanity Check.")
print "Failed"
--SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report (">--The Scene DID NOT PASS the Sanity Check!")
on spn_priority changed value do
--setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( (SMTDSettings.Priority= (job_priority_update value)) as string )
SMTDSettings.Priority= (job_priority_update value) as string
on sld_priority clicked value do
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( (SMTDSettings.Priority= (job_priority_update ((value * SMTDSettings.MaximumPriority) / 100))) as string )
SMTDSettings.Priority= (job_priority_update value) as string
on btn_openBatchRenderUI pressed do (actionMan.executeAction -43434444 "4096"
on btn_updateInfo pressed do updateBatchRenderInfo()
--on btn_utils pressed do (SMTDFunctions.openPipelineToolsWindow())
on btn_credit pressed do (shellLaunch BuyUrl ""
on check_usebatchrender changed state do
SMTDSettings.UseBatchRender = state
--setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "BatchRender" "UseBatchRender" (state as string)
if check_usebatchrender.checked then (btn_openBatchRenderUI.enabled=true) else btn_openBatchRenderUI.enabled=false
if not check_usebatchrender.checked then (btn_updateInfo.enabled=false)
on test_render changed state do(
if test_render.checked then (cozunurluk.enabled=true) else cozunurluk.enabled=false
on render_credit selected itm do(
if render_credit.selected == "[Low] - [$0.005 GHz Hour] [Power of 300 cores]" then setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 1 as string )
if render_credit.selected == "[Medium] - [$0.008 GHz Hour] [Power of 600 cores]" then setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 2 as string )
if render_credit.selected == "[High] - [$0.011 GHz Hour] [Power of 1200 cores]" then setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 3 as string)
if render_credit.selected == "[Very High] - [$0.014 GHz Hour] - [Power of 3360 cores]" then setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 4 as string )
on priorty_slider changed val do
--format "%\n" priorty_slider.value
if priorty_slider.value == 1 then (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[Low] - [$0.005 GHz Hour] [Power of 300 Cores]"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 1 as string)
if priorty_slider.value == 2 then (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[Medium] - [$0.008 GHz Hour] [Power of 600 cores]"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 2 as string )
if priorty_slider.value == 3 then (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[High] - [$0.011 GHz Hour] [Power of 1200 cores]"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 3 as string )
if priorty_slider.value == 4 then (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[Very High] - [$0.014 GHz Hour] [Power of 3360 cores]"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 4 as string )
Ui_report ("+Priority Set "+ lbl_priorty_type.text as string +"]")
case val of (
default: (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[Low] - $0.005 GHz Hour"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 1 as string)
1: (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[Low] - $0.005 GHz Hour"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 1 as string)
2: (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[Medium] - $0.008 GHz Hour"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 2 as string )
3: (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[High] - $0.011 GHz Hour"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 3 as string )
4: (
lbl_priorty_type.text = "[Very High] - $0.014 GHz Hour"
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "JobSettings" "Priority" ( SMTDSettings.Priority = 4 as string )
on SimpleRenderSubmitter_Rollout open do (
initReportWindow dnc_report
SimpleRenderSubmitter_Rollout.title = "Render724 Cloud Render Farm Services | " + "User: "+ SMTDSettings.username +" | " + getTimeString()
Ui_report ("> Ready for ["+ maxfilename +"]")
local purgeAllFolders = matchPattern (getIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "TempFolders" "PurgeAll") pattern:"true"
SMTDFunctions.cleanUpSubmissionFolders all:purgeAllFolders
gc light:true
on btn_submit pressed do
lbl_secure.text = "Submitting project to Render724.."
Ui_report ">SUBMIT Button Pressed."
btn_submit.enabled = false
local theNetworkRoot= @"\\FILESERVER\Render724-Cloud\cloud_render724\DeadlineRepository10"
local remoteScript = theNetworkRoot + @"\submission\3dsmax\main\SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms"
local localScript = getDir #userscripts + "\\SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms"
if doesFileExist remoteScript do
if SMTDFunctions == undefined do
deleteFile localScript
copyFile remoteScript localScript
format "%\n" "Kopyalaniliyor"
fileIn localScript
SMTDSettings.JobName = maxFileName + " [SIMPLE MXS SUBMISSION] " + "Orange"
SMTDSettings.Comment = "Test Single Frame Tiles Rendering"
--SMTDSettings.SubmitSceneMode = #reposave
SMTDSettings.FailureDetectionJobErrors = 5
SMTDSettings.FailureDetectionTaskErrors = 5
if test_render.checked then
if cozunurluk.selected == "%50 Resolution" then
format "%\n" "%50 Resolution secildi"
renderWidth = renderWidth / 2
renderHeight = renderHeight / 2
if cozunurluk.selected == "%25 Resolution" then
format "%\n" "%25 Resolution secildi"
renderWidth = renderWidth / 4
renderHeight = renderHeight / 4
SMTDSettings.JobName = maxFileName + " [TEST RENDER SUBMISSION " + cozunurluk.selected + "]"
Ui_report ">Checking For Missing External Files..."
if SMTDSettings.MissingFiles.count > 0 then
try(Ui_report ">Missing Files:")catch()
for i in SMTDSettings.MissingFiles do
try(Ui_report (" " + i ))catch()
local txt = if SMTDSettings.MissingFiles.count == 1 then "File" else "Files"
local theMessage = "The Scene Contains "+ SMTDSettings.MissingFiles.count as string +" Missing External "+ txt + ".\n\n"
if SMTDSettings.WarnAboutMissingExternalFiles then
if SMTDSettings.IgnoreMissingExternalFiles then
theMessage += "The 'Ignore Missing External File Errors' option is checked - \n"
theMessage += "The job will render successfully but incorrectly!\n\n"
theMessage += "The 'Ignore Missing External File Errors' option is NOT checked -\n"
theMessage += "The job will not render correctly. It is suggested to cancel the submission\n\n!"
theMessage += "Press Yes to Continue Submission.\nPress No to Cancel Submission and Correct the Problems."
local theAnswer = querybox theMessage title:"Render724: Missing External Files"
if not theAnswer do (Ui_report("--Submission Canceled by User - Missing External Files Found!")break)
if rendTimeType == 1 then (
SMTDSettings.SingleTileJobDependent = true
if check_usebatchrender.checked then
SMTDSettings.UseBatchRender = true
SMTDSettings.BatchRenderMode = 1
process.value = 40
local maxFileToSubmit = SMTDPaths.tempdir + maxFileName
SMTDFunctions.SaveMaxFileCopy maxFileToSubmit
local SubmitInfoFile = SMTDPaths.tempdir + "\\max_submit_info.job"
local JobInfoFile = SMTDPaths.tempdir+ "\\max_job_info.job"
process.value +=15
SMTDFunctions.CreateSubmitInfoFile SubmitInfoFile
SMTDFunctions.CreateJobInfoFile JobInfoFile
process.value +=5
local initialArgs = "\""+SubmitInfoFile+"\" \""+JobInfoFile+"\" \""+maxFileToSubmit+"\" "
process.value +=5
Ui_report("+ Submitting.. ")
local result = SMTDFunctions.waitForCommandToComplete initialArgs SMTDSettings.TimeoutSubmission --dontWait:true
Ui_report("+ Submitted.. ")
process.value +=30
local renderMsg = SMTDFunctions.getRenderMessage()
SMTDFunctions.getJobIDFromMessage renderMsg
if result == #success or result == #queued then
format "Submitted successfully as Job %.\n\n%\n\n" \
SMTDSettings.DeadlineSubmissionLastJobID renderMsg
process.value = 100
else (
format "Job Submission FAILED.\n\n%" renderMsg
process.color = red
btn_submit.enabled = true
shellLaunch "notepad.exe" SubmitInfoFile
shellLaunch "notepad.exe" JobInfoFile
)--end if
)--end on button presse
)--end rollout
createDialog SimpleRenderSubmitter_Rollout height:455 width:625 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_resizing ) menu:SMTD_MainRollout_MainMenu
)--end script
I took a look at the two scripts. I have not tried to run them yet (because they are dependent on stuff I have to localize back to work on a computer that is not yours). However I can see in line 506 of the submitter that you are calling within the submit button’s handler this function:
This function will RESET all settings in the SMTDSettings to their sticky values (depending on a bunch of INI files in the Repository and the local workstation). So if you set any properties like
if that value is not sticky via a local INI file, after pressing the submit button the value of the property would be reset to full frames…
The SMTDFunctions.loadSettings() should only be called once when the submitter is starting, before you start modifying any of its settings via the UI or other MAXScript code.