Please could we add support for the 3dsmax Tile Assembler to support tile renders being saved from the VRay frame buffer AS WELL as continue to support the 3dsMax render output standard route. Essentially, the VRay frame buffer is the only thing that supports the VRay Render Elements all being saved into 1 multi-channel EXR file, but it isn’t presently supported by the tile assembler. On the flip side, the tile assembler works fine in std 3dsMax render output, but this way doesn’t support the VRay render elements in a single multi-channel EXR. Doh!
If we could add support in the future for the VRay frame buffer for Tile rendering, that would be most useful
Hey Mike,
We’ve logged this as a feature request. Basically, we just need to have the tile assembler support a multi-channel EXR.
- Ryan