3dsmax, V-Ray Multilayer raw exr not saving (GPU)

I have Deadline, V-Ray 5 update 1.3, 3dsmax 2021. submitting local GPU render from inside 3dsmax not saving raw exr. I have to save max file and submit from monitor to get this to work. any advice greatly appreciated.

Raw isn’t on the supported list, could this be the issue?

Or is this an issue with Light Select?

actually not, what I mean by raw is multilayer exr. not the render-pass type.
and it works perfectly when submitting through the monitor. I work with huge max files like 2-4GB and saving a file for each render is not the best practice.

any Ideas here please.

is it known that deadline is not saving multilayer exr?

I tried this and it worked ok, 2022, v-ray 5 and Simple scene with teapot and couple of layers. Render locally and it gives me an exr with 4 layers inside Photoshop (with EXR plugin), submit same job through Deadline and I get the same result.