AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

3dsmax2014 ext stereocamera plugin support deadline?

hi , i test deadline6.2 for 3dsmax2014 ext stereocamera , how can i do?

this is my test project but not ok!


Unfortunately I don’t believe we currently fully support the stereo camera setup in 3dsMax, so you would have to submit the job once using one camera, then you could re-submit the job once in monitor and change it’s camera & file paths.

However, your using Batch Render and from what I can tell from your screen-shot, it looks like it should in theory work. I will have a play with your supplied Max file. Could you describe what goes wrong and provide a job log report when it tries to render if this is where the error occurs or if an error occurs during submission in SMTD, please supply the log from SMTD, by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of SMTD to grab the logs and please post here.


sorry for my poor english, i submit the job deadline render complete,but the result not for my hope!

in 3dsmax2014ext,i must use batch render,because the left stereo camera and right stereo camera not select,and default render not render correct image!

3dsmax2014ext stereocam not support 3dsmaxcmd,but 3dsmax2015 support:

this cmd only support 3dsmax2015

[code]@echo off

rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem – View01
echo Rendering Batch: View01
3dsmaxcmd C:\Users\HJ\Documents\3dsMax\scenes\1234.max ^
-batchRender:View01 ^
-outputName C:\Users\HJ\Documents\3dsMax\renderoutput\Test\ok_View01_l.jpg ^
-camera LeftCamera001 -start 10 -end 20 -nthFrame 1 -width 560 ^
-height 320 -pixelAspect 1

rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem – View02
echo Rendering Batch: View02
3dsmaxcmd C:\Users\HJ\Documents\3dsMax\scenes\1234.max ^
-batchRender:View02 ^
-outputName C:\Users\HJ\Documents\3dsMax\renderoutput\Test\ok_View02_r.jpg ^
-camera RightCamera001 -start 10 -end 20 -nthFrame 1 -width 560 ^
-height 320 -pixelAspect 1

Thanks for the feedback. I guess this is down to the “stereo” cam rig that now exists in the Max2014 Ext, which we will need to add support for. I will add this to our wish-list for a future release.


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