AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

[] 3dsmax _temp script


I’m still facing some troubles with rendering 3dsmax massive jobs.
I’ve got slave blocking on “starting up” status again & again, just like reported in this previous thread : viewtopic.php?f=11&t=12905
Problem was supposed to be resolved with 7.1, but doesn’t looks like.

Few additionnals infos :

  • our network isn’t pretty well configured at the moment, we’ve got some hard latency sometimes. We are working on it, but communication with pulse or reading our storage system can be hardly disturb.
  • a random _temp script has appeared in …/appdata/local/Autodesk/…/usermacros/ folder.
    I’ve attach 2 exemples of this. Name is random & contents too. Looks like it is a beginning of copy of a macro function.

Thoses _temp scripts are a real pain. On workstation they prevent 3dsmax to launch properly UI.
We’ve made a script to clean those, but they are recreated again & again.
I’m not sure they come from Deadline, but i’d prefer to ask.

Bug (439 Bytes)
deadlineslave-PROD22-2015-02-18-0000.log (349 KB)

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