AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums - Houdini Jigsaw submit options failing.

Using Houdini 14.0.365 in Windows and using vanilla Houdini envs and clean Deadline 7.2 beta 3 setup.

Opened Jigsaw window and added a single region, hit save in Jigsaw window.

Upon hitting submit we get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "//192.168.x.xx/repository_upgrade/submission/Houdini/Main\", line 3355, in SubmitJobCallback jobResult = SubmitRenderJob(job, jobOrdering, jobCount, totalJobs, (totalJobs >1) ) File "//192.168.x.xx/repository_upgrade/submission/Houdini/Main\", line 1991, in SubmitRenderJob innerCounter = jigsawRegionCount NameError: global name 'jigsawRegionCount' is not defined

Liking the reportage and new features btw.

Thanks for reporting this! We’ve reproduced the issue here, and it will be fixed in beta 4.


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