Using Houdini 14.0.365 in Windows and using vanilla Houdini envs and clean Deadline 7.2 beta 3 setup.
Turned off Jigsaw rendering and when for straight forward tile rendering which looks to have failed to submit
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "//192.168.x.xx/repository_upgrade/submission/Houdini/Main\", line 3355, in SubmitJobCallback
jobResult = SubmitRenderJob(job, jobOrdering, jobCount, totalJobs, (totalJobs >1) )
File "//192.168.x.xx/repository_upgrade/submission/Houdini/Main\", line 3113, in SubmitRenderJob
if arnoldTilesEnabled:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'arnoldTilesEnabled' referenced before assignment
Looks like it’s failed to submit the ‘Dependent Assembly Job’ as when I untick that option it works but obviously without the tile assembly part.
Also can’t see where it’s placing the tiles down despite it determining them from the IFD file for manual re-assembly.