[WIN] - Auto update Deadline client version from repo not kicking in when changing repo.

Hi there,

We’re moving from Deadline 7.0 to 7.2 and during our testing I’ve noticed that when I switch the workstation/node back to the Deadline 7.0 repo it downgrades fine but when I change back to the Deadline 7.2 repo it skips the upgrade part and launches the app using the Deadline 7.0 binaries.

I know when I was testing 7.0 and 7.1 it reliably switched up and down builds but this time it doesn’t seem to want to do the upgrade back up to 7.2 despite the settings in the repo options being enabled to ‘on’ etc.

The clients aren’t running launcher as a service (yet). If I’m doing something incorrect or you need more info let me know.


Additionally on some nodes it’s crashing the launcher on what seems to be ‘post’ upgrade.

When told 5 nodes to change repo and restart slave 4 took the auto client build update but one didn’t.
Similar to some workstation’s behaviour so I manually extracted the bin.zip onto it and it’s running now.

I can pass the logs from that node if you want to see what’s going on with it if you want.


Hey Jamie,

Just to confirm, because I personally often overlook this, is the ‘Automatic Upgrades/Downgrades’ set to true in the Repository Options of the 7.2 repo?
I’m assuming it is, since you mentioned some machines did upgrade successfully, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.

The Launcher logs from the machines during/around the auto-upgrade would be much appreciated. Note that some of these might be labelled ‘deadlinelaunchernew’ in the log folder. In the meantime I’ll fire up some machines to test this locally, and see if I can’t reproduce this behaviour.


Hi Jon,

Indeed auto update is on in the repo options, doesn’t hurt to ask. It’ll be Monday before I get them zipped up and posted if that’s ok.

According to our Sales team’s notes, we warn users that due to a change in the Binary folders between 7.0 and 7.1, auto-upgrade is not supported between those versions. I wonder if the same is the case from 7.0 to 7.2 (it would make sense). Supposedly auto-upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2 is expected to work since the Binary folders would be compatible…

If it’s a known issue for 7.0 then that’s not a problem. We’ll be able to update/prep our removal and deployment scripts for Deadline clients. Will still collate those logs for Monday.
Thanks for the update!