Cinema4D Submit Plugin not loading

Hey Guys,
We just updated to to see if it fixed an error we were having with Octane rendered jobs, in the process I updated my submission plugin as well to test and now the plugin will not load within C4D, getting this error message in Console.

Appending "C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline8/cache/fxtxcEeT4y2SER8S01ZfHgaw/submission/Cinema4D/Main " to system path to import SubmitC4DToDeadline module Traceback (most recent call last): File "'DeadlineC4DClient.pyp'", line 63, in main ImportError: No module named SubmitC4DToDeadline The SubmitC4DToDeadline.py script could not be found in the Deadline Repository. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine, that the Deadline Client bin folder is set in the DEADLINE_PATH environment variable, and that the Deadline Client has been configured to point to a valid Repository. Intel Compiler VrayAPI: DLL= 0x32501 LIB= 0x32501 "C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline8/cache/fxtxcEeT4y2SER8S01ZfHgaw/submission/Cinema4D/Main " is already in the system path

Client is installed correctly and sees the repository just fine, as far as I can tell the “SubmitC4DToDeadline.py” is in the correct spot within the repository, so I’m not sure what the issue is.

Hey Josh,

There were a couple of bugs that came up in 8.0.1 for c4d that were discovered. Attached is an updated client script (that goes in \submission\Cinema4D\Client) and an updated C4d Batch plugin (that goes in \plugins\Cinema4DBatch). This will also be included in the next rolling release.
Cinema4DBatch.zip (9.91 KB)
DeadlineC4DClient.zip (1.3 KB)

Thanks Grant, I’ll give this a go.

Looks like that worked, I had to reinstall the submitter plugin again after replacing those files, but the plugin does show up now.

great to hear!