[][MtoA] Arnold jobs being sent up with Maya .ass file references have additional folder.

Hi there,

Using Maya 2016 with Arnold sending jobs up to Deadline on Centos 7.

We’re seeing that in Deadline 8.1 we’ve now got multiple Arnold jobs going up along with the usual Maya export .ass job for each layer.

That’s ok, nice to see it work like that but the Arnold jobs have an extra folder, the layer’s name it seems, in the path to the .ass file which the prior Maya export job doesn’t write to.

Maya job is rendering out to here:

/productions/projects/kerproject/assets/Character/muchoppl/LookDev/work/maya/data/chara_010_060_light_test.v001.0001.ass /productions/projects/kerproject/assets/Character/muchoppl/LookDev/work/maya/data/chara_010_060_light_test.v001.0002.ass

but the arnold job (in this example) is looking in this ‘extra’ masterLayer folder

/productions/projects/kerproject/assets/Character/muchoppl/LookDev/work/maya/data/masterLayer/chara_010_060_light_test.v001.0001.ass /productions/projects/kerproject/assets/Character/muchoppl/LookDev/work/maya/data/masterLayer/chara_010_060_light_test.v001.0002.ass

This is using out of the box submit tools, no customisation on any of the submit tools made for MtoA in Deadline 8.1 but the prior Deadline 7.2 submit tools may have been changed by our other studio to get round this issue prior to now.

My questions are :
What’s triggering the submit of mulitple Arnold layers that didn’t in Deadline 7.2?
How do we stop that (for now)?
Is this expected behaviour or we working outwith the way it’s intended?
What can we do to fix it?

(Keep in mind I’m more sidefx centric these days so blinding obvious mistakes always welcome to be pointed out :smiley:)

Best regards

Hey Jamie,

Currently the Arnold export is export all renderable render layers, I don’t believe we have a way to disable this currently. For adding the output layer, when there are multiple renderable render layers in a scene the layer name is automatically added to match the behaviour of maya. In this case defaultRenderLayer is swapped to masterLayer again to match the Maya behaviour.


Hi Grant,

That makes perfect sense. I now know where this needs rectified.

Many thanks