9020 VRScene Tile Rendering and Render Channels

Hey all,

I recently stepped up to 9020 and am testing out the render channels coming from vrscene files (originating in SketchUP), based on the Deadline’s release notes. There are a couple bugs here and there and some features that still don’t work that we can touch base on later, however, the big issue is that when the file is parsed, not all render channels are recognized.

For example, my settings are as follows:

this will do everything correctly (render out the tiles and auto assemble) for the refraction, raw light, reflection, beauty, raw total light, raw shadow and materialID pass HOWEVER, not the denoiser, zdepth, extra tex, objectID, or renderID. See below for an example:


I realize these names may not exactly match up with what is offered on other platforms (3ds Max, maya, etc) and I’m assuming this is where the issue stems from. Any suggestions? We of course can manually assemble in photoshop, but i’m trying to make it a bit easier and more or less automatic.


It may also be that V-Ray for SketchUp doesn’t provide the output information for those channels yet (that’s happened before at least).

Would you be willing to create a VRScene for a cube or something similar and I can take a look?

cube_test_edwin.zip (25.1 KB)

see attachment (couldn’t upload just the vrscene file, so had to zip it up). Anyways, found the relevant lines (I think), so I’m guessing just the names are different:

RenderChannelDenoiser _RenderChannelDenoiser { name="Denoiser";

RenderChannelExtraTex _RenderChannelExtraTex { name="ExtraTexChannel";

RenderChannelZDepth _RenderChannelZDepth { name="ZDepth";