A couple of Black Op Quirks

FYI I do have both the April 24 & 25 editor updates.

No show stoppers and barely classifiable as bugs but…

On occasion edits to Black OP made in Right-click “Edit Black Op Mode” do not seem to be registering upon exit and explode of the Black OP. Particularly when renaming the sub-ops.

When adding a BlackOp to the field you must edit before you explode or you get the previous sub-operators. ie if channel color is there, you delete it then add a blackop, choose explode, the previous channel color node returns and the blackop disappears. Update prior to explode has no effect.

Is it possible to make the BlackOps labels larger, not many characters are visible and the text is also aligned center, making some difficult to read.

Off topic note:
In the Blinn Shading Using One Light example is the Light Color supposed to be linked to the lights color? If so, I was unable to connect it via the Connect to scene track.

I think I have seen that behavior. I have a suspicion about what might be the cause, but cannot check it out because my home desktop machine just died (writing this from the laptop).

The blackop is as wide as all nodes. Change the node width globally if you want to read more. I will see if it would be possible to introduce double sized or custom sized nodes (will require changes to the auto-reorder code).

You can connect inputs only to tracks that have controllers. The color of a light does not have one by default unless animated or assigned in TrackView. I will see if I can change that.

Also, the example I posted works only if the PRT Loader is aligned to the world. You will have to add a conversion of the light and camera FromWorld to calculate correctly regardless of the PRT Loader’s orientation and position.

I hope it wasn’t a hard drive. Could be a great reason to pick up an i7, aye :smiley:

The only reason I noticed this, when I started naming all of the examples you posted it was difficult to have a semi descriptive name that fit in the amount of space.

Gotcha, thanks

Yes, I am looking into getting one of those.

Btw, I posted an updated KCE script which fixes some of the issues, esp. the Exploding of BlackOps, but also inability to select connections when in Auto-Reorder mode and some other glitches and bugs.

Cool enjoy those 4 cores plus hyper-threading :slight_smile: , I’ll be envious :slight_smile:

Grabbing the update, thanks.