A singlesided surfacing solution

Hi guys,

Bobo mentioned something a while back about a singlesided surfacing solution? When we mesh water sims that happen in a tanklike volume, we benefit from meshing only the surface - much fewer particles, but that produces a twosided mesh which is not that nice for shading, unless we remove all refraction. We have an approach now where we use velocity and normals to blend between base, underside and foamy materials, but that has its limitations. I was wondering if you have something smarter in mind :slight_smile:


Yes! Our next beta (Frost 2.0.6) will add “Region of Interest” controls. Using these controls, you can set your region of interest box to include the top of the water, and exclude the bottom. This will produce a single-sided mesh like you described.

Frost 2.0.6 should be available soon. Hopefully later today.


Frost 2.0.6 is available now. Please let us know if you get a chance to try it!

Great, will get to it Monday!