it would be cool to be able to emit from loaded krakatoa particles into maya fluids.
If I could access the particles positions somehow I could write a simple script that attaches maya particles to the krakatoa particles so I could use them for fluid emission.
Is this possible somehow?
We have plans for a point update to allow scripted access to particle channels - both reading and writing. It is just not in the current build yet.
We are using KMX as guide for our KMY to a certain extent, but it will take time to match all its features.
This feature is already available in Krakatoa MX / MAXScript, so we understand what you are asking for…
thinkboxsoftware.com/krak-pa … xscpt-val/
thinkboxsoftware.com/krak-pa … -mxscript/
A bunch of tools have been written around them, including a spreadsheet viewer called Krakatoa PDV (Particle Data Viewer).
So we have every intention to match this functionality in Krakatoa MY since it is very useful in many cases.
Thank you for your request, it will help us prioritize things.
Please keep on posting wishes and ideas!