I am looking to do some extra analysis of the render logs (Job Reports) but I cannot find an appropriate API function to get them. I can see that they are all in the $DEADLINE_REPO\reports\slaves*, but they are using a folder structure to index them. If there is not an API command knowing what the purpose of the folder structure would be good.
Ah ok, the $DEADLINE_REPO\reports\slaves\ folder only holds failed tasks reports, $DEADLINE_REPO\reports\jobs\ seems to contain successful job reports but I cannot find any of the jobs that are currently in Deadline.
Have you seen these API commands if your using the standalone Python API:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ports.html
Yes, I want to access the entire output log though, this only returns metadata about the report.
This will return all the log reports for a job via the Standalone Python API:
import Deadline.DeadlineConnect as Connect
connectionObject = Connect.DeadlineCon('mbp.local', 8080)
jobReports = connectionObject.JobReports.GetJobLogReports("552f9c1c71bd0c0aa4e3609f")
print jobReports
Replace “mbp.local” with your Pulse name. Replace “8080” with your Pulse web service port number and finally, replace the example jobId number with a jobId you wish to query.
Do you have to use the Standalone Python API? (Not that there is any problem in doing so). I just wonder as this information can also be retrieved via our ‘built-in’ scripting API in Deadline (which is Python) as well and it might be easier to carry out any other commands on the returned information inside of the Deadline environment and also not require Pulse to be running:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ction.html
There has also been a few improvements in Deadline v7.x in the Standalone Python API to retrieve the contents as well:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ports.html
Finally, to answer your previous question, the layout of the job & slave report directory structure is designed for performance and not for ease of access (ie: finding a particular job report for a certain job). However, using our various protected API functions will allow you to access the information you require.
I have to use the standalone version as it is integrating with other services that cannot be built for the python interpreter bundled with deadline. Is it only Deadline 7 that supports looking at the contents of a log? Is there no way of getting the content in 6.2?
Ah, sorry, I misread your request. Yeah, unfortunately, the ‘contents’ Standalone Python API functions were only added in Deadline v7.1, so you would do something like this:
The easiest way would be to use the direct scripting API, but as you need to do it externally, how about spawning a ./DeadlineCommand process (via subprocess) which executes a Python script in the Deadline environment, returns the log report information you want, but is done externally like this:
No worries, we will be moving to v7.1 as soon as possible, but for the time being the DeadlineCommand method is working well. I am just dumping all of the info I can only get through the scripting interface to file though one script.
Thanks Again!